Engulfing Flames (Card)
In 12 decks
0.02% of 55852 decks
High Synergy Cards (10)
Repentant Vampire
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.9% synergy
Famished Ghoul
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.87% synergy
Bog Wreckage
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.87% synergy
Face of Fear
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.87% synergy
Crypt Creeper
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.87% synergy
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.84% synergy
Shadowblood Egg
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.84% synergy
Childhood Horror
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.84% synergy
Morgue Theft
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.84% synergy
Morbid Hunger
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.79% synergy
Top Cards (10)
Elephant Ambush
100.0% of 8 decks
+99.65% synergy
Beast Attack
100.0% of 8 decks
+99.3% synergy
Innocent Blood
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.3% synergy
100.0% of 12 decks
+98.91% synergy
Roar of the Wurm
100.0% of 8 decks
+99.19% synergy
Braids, Cabal Minion
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.74% synergy
Ghastly Demise
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.77% synergy
Moment's Peace
87.5% of 8 decks
+87.0% synergy
Howling Gale
75.0% of 8 decks
+74.77% synergy
Deep Reconnaissance
75.0% of 8 decks
+74.73% synergy
Creatures (15)
Nantuko Mentor
75.0% of 8 decks
+74.73% synergy
Krosan Archer
75.0% of 8 decks
+74.77% synergy
Gorilla Titan
75.0% of 8 decks
+74.65% synergy
Rabid Elephant
75.0% of 8 decks
+74.77% synergy
Leaf Dancer
62.5% of 8 decks
+62.31% synergy
Druid Lyrist
62.5% of 8 decks
+62.23% synergy
Pardic Firecat
50.0% of 12 decks
+49.94% synergy
Barbarian Lunatic
33.33% of 12 decks
+33.33% synergy
33.33% of 12 decks
+33.33% synergy
Dwarven Strike Force
33.33% of 12 decks
+33.29% synergy
33.33% of 12 decks
+33.31% synergy
Diligent Farmhand
25.0% of 8 decks
+24.73% synergy
Thornscape Familiar
25.0% of 8 decks
+24.88% synergy
25.0% of 8 decks
+24.65% synergy
Thunderscape Familiar
16.67% of 12 decks
+16.67% synergy
Instants (5)
Sylvan Might
75.0% of 8 decks
+74.3% synergy
62.5% of 8 decks
+62.31% synergy
Flame Burst
50.0% of 12 decks
+49.82% synergy
Thermal Blast
33.33% of 12 decks
+33.33% synergy
Muscle Burst
25.0% of 8 decks
+24.73% synergy
Sorceries (9)
Reckless Charge
75.0% of 12 decks
+74.59% synergy
Chatter of the Squirrel
62.5% of 8 decks
+62.15% synergy
Seize the Day
50.0% of 12 decks
+49.92% synergy
Scorching Missile
50.0% of 12 decks
+49.96% synergy
Volcanic Spray
41.67% of 12 decks
+41.63% synergy
Earth Rift
33.33% of 12 decks
+33.25% synergy
Liquid Fire
33.33% of 12 decks
+33.33% synergy
Call of the Herd
25.0% of 8 decks
+24.42% synergy
Book Burning
16.67% of 12 decks
+16.46% synergy
Artifacts (1)
Catalyst Stone
16.67% of 12 decks
+16.65% synergy
Enchantments (2)
Dawn's Reflection
25.0% of 8 decks
+24.85% synergy
Fertile Ground
25.0% of 8 decks
+23.49% synergy
Lands (3)
Cabal Pit
100.0% of 4 decks
+99.66% synergy
Ravaged Highlands
33.33% of 12 decks
+33.31% synergy
Pinecrest Ridge
12.5% of 8 decks
+12.38% synergy
Generated 2024-10-08 08:35:38