Thaumatic Compass // Spires of Orazca (Card)

In 70 decks
0.02% of 294615 decks

New Cards (2)

Grievous Wound
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.51% synergy
Withering Torment
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.37% synergy

High Synergy Cards (10)

Consign // Oblivion
77.78% of 18 decks
+77.01% synergy
Cut // Ribbons
71.74% of 46 decks
+68.31% synergy
Spring // Mind
62.5% of 24 decks
+62.21% synergy
Hour of Promise
55.88% of 34 decks
+55.79% synergy
Rootbound Crag
58.06% of 31 decks
+49.49% synergy
Struggle // Survive
48.39% of 31 decks
+48.32% synergy
Hour of Devastation
48.15% of 54 decks
+48.06% synergy
Gift of Paradise
44.12% of 34 decks
+43.93% synergy
Hashep Oasis
44.12% of 34 decks
+42.51% synergy
Mary Read and Anne Bonny
40.0% of 5 decks
+39.91% synergy

Top Cards (10)

40.74% of 54 decks
+36.66% synergy
Thousand Moons Smithy // Barracks of the Thousand
40.0% of 5 decks
+39.49% synergy
Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
40.0% of 35 decks
+38.93% synergy
Fatal Push
35.85% of 53 decks
+2.0% synergy
Commit // Memory
33.33% of 48 decks
+33.11% synergy
Vraska's Contempt
32.08% of 53 decks
+31.79% synergy
Vraska, Relic Seeker
30.77% of 26 decks
+30.4% synergy
Sweltering Suns
29.63% of 54 decks
+29.23% synergy
Approach of the Second Sun
29.41% of 17 decks
+28.47% synergy
Sifter Wurm
29.41% of 34 decks
+29.28% synergy

Creatures (50)

Hostage Taker
25.64% of 39 decks
+25.17% synergy
The Scarab God
20.51% of 39 decks
+19.88% synergy
Torrential Gearhulk
18.75% of 48 decks
+18.11% synergy
The Locust God
18.42% of 38 decks
+18.29% synergy
The Scorpion God
17.39% of 46 decks
+16.98% synergy
Ravenous Chupacabra
16.98% of 53 decks
+16.59% synergy
Jodah, Archmage Eternal
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.59% synergy
Atraxa, Grand Unifier
16.67% of 6 decks
-1.87% synergy
16.67% of 54 decks
+14.45% synergy
Gonti, Lord of Luxury
15.09% of 53 decks
+14.73% synergy
Azure Beastbinder
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.1% synergy
Zacama, Primal Calamity
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.02% synergy
Kitesail Freebooter
13.21% of 53 decks
+12.76% synergy
Errant and Giada
12.5% of 8 decks
+11.54% synergy
Sailor of Means
12.5% of 48 decks
+12.46% synergy
Lightning-Rig Crew
11.11% of 54 decks
+11.02% synergy
Daring Saboteur
10.42% of 48 decks
+10.4% synergy
Nezahal, Primal Tide
10.42% of 48 decks
+10.38% synergy
Aurelia, the Warleader
10.0% of 10 decks
+8.88% synergy
Arcbound Shikari
10.0% of 10 decks
+9.22% synergy
Liesa, Forgotten Archangel
10.0% of 10 decks
+8.78% synergy
Legion Lieutenant
10.0% of 10 decks
+7.05% synergy
Regal Bloodlord
10.0% of 10 decks
+9.68% synergy
Noxious Gearhulk
9.43% of 53 decks
+9.32% synergy
Rekindling Phoenix
9.26% of 54 decks
+8.64% synergy
Wayward Swordtooth
8.82% of 34 decks
+8.0% synergy
Embodiment of Spring
8.33% of 24 decks
+8.16% synergy
Prosperous Pirates
8.33% of 48 decks
+8.31% synergy
Court Hussar
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.04% synergy
Puresight Merrow
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.71% synergy
Boon-Bringer Valkyrie
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.85% synergy
Urza, Prince of Kroog
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.95% synergy
Silkwing Scout
8.33% of 24 decks
+8.2% synergy
Cephalopod Sentry
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.1% synergy
Silkbind Faerie
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.21% synergy
Mistmeadow Witch
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.15% synergy
Deadeye Plunderers
7.69% of 39 decks
+7.62% synergy
Deadeye Tracker
7.55% of 53 decks
+7.5% synergy
7.55% of 53 decks
+7.43% synergy
Twilight Prophet
7.55% of 53 decks
+7.43% synergy
Captivating Crew
7.41% of 54 decks
+7.32% synergy
Dire Fleet Daredevil
7.41% of 54 decks
+7.29% synergy
Dire Fleet Neckbreaker
6.52% of 46 decks
+6.13% synergy
Dire Fleet Captain
6.52% of 46 decks
+6.04% synergy
Champion of Wits
6.25% of 48 decks
+6.19% synergy
Deadeye Rig-Hauler
6.25% of 48 decks
+6.25% synergy
Siren Stormtamer
6.25% of 48 decks
+4.66% synergy
Kefnet the Mindful
6.25% of 48 decks
+6.05% synergy
Soul Warden
5.88% of 17 decks
-4.89% synergy
5.88% of 34 decks
+5.71% synergy

Instants (50)

Settle the Wreckage
29.41% of 17 decks
+28.55% synergy
Pull from Tomorrow
22.92% of 48 decks
+22.6% synergy
Glimmer of Genius
20.83% of 48 decks
+20.77% synergy
Supreme Will
20.83% of 48 decks
+20.26% synergy
Vona's Hunger
16.98% of 53 decks
+16.92% synergy
Essence Scatter
16.67% of 48 decks
+14.41% synergy
16.67% of 48 decks
+16.07% synergy
16.67% of 48 decks
+10.87% synergy
Unlicensed Disintegration
15.22% of 46 decks
+13.26% synergy
Lightning Strike
12.96% of 54 decks
+4.53% synergy
Fiery Cannonade
12.96% of 54 decks
+12.79% synergy
Spell Swindle
12.5% of 48 decks
+12.44% synergy
12.5% of 48 decks
+11.94% synergy
Renewed Faith
11.76% of 17 decks
+11.48% synergy
Path to Exile
11.76% of 17 decks
-12.82% synergy
Cast Down
11.32% of 53 decks
+9.51% synergy
Heaven // Earth
9.68% of 31 decks
+9.61% synergy
8.33% of 48 decks
+6.26% synergy
Growth Spiral
8.33% of 24 decks
-1.6% synergy
8.33% of 48 decks
+8.17% synergy
Render Silent
8.33% of 12 decks
+6.87% synergy
Magma Spray
7.41% of 54 decks
+6.76% synergy
Harnessed Lightning
7.41% of 54 decks
+7.35% synergy
6.25% of 48 decks
+5.75% synergy
Hieroglyphic Illumination
6.25% of 48 decks
+6.15% synergy
Spell Pierce
6.25% of 48 decks
-7.7% synergy
Siren's Ruse
6.25% of 48 decks
+6.21% synergy
March of Otherworldly Light
5.88% of 17 decks
-2.61% synergy
Sanguine Sacrament
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.77% synergy
Surge of Thoughtweft
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.52% synergy
Invoke the Divine
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.27% synergy
Angel's Grace
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.52% synergy
Verdant Rebirth
5.88% of 34 decks
+5.77% synergy
Dazzling Reflection
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.65% synergy
5.88% of 17 decks
+4.59% synergy
5.88% of 34 decks
+4.15% synergy
5.88% of 17 decks
+4.35% synergy
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.75% synergy
Moment of Craving
5.66% of 53 decks
+5.46% synergy
Hour of Glory
5.66% of 53 decks
+5.65% synergy
Great Train Heist
5.56% of 18 decks
+5.2% synergy
Flame of Anor
5.26% of 19 decks
-16.47% synergy
This Town Ain't Big Enough
4.35% of 23 decks
+4.23% synergy
Fleeting Reflection
4.35% of 23 decks
+4.27% synergy
Not Dead After All
4.35% of 23 decks
+2.95% synergy
Admiral's Order
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.11% synergy
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.13% synergy
Kozilek's Command
4.17% of 24 decks
-45.23% synergy
Wizard's Retort
4.17% of 48 decks
+3.43% synergy
Calculated Dismissal
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.05% synergy

Sorceries (50)

Never // Return
26.42% of 53 decks
+26.24% synergy
23.53% of 17 decks
+22.98% synergy
Bontu's Last Reckoning
22.64% of 53 decks
+21.09% synergy
Torment of Hailfire
20.75% of 53 decks
+18.86% synergy
Cruelclaw's Heist
20.0% of 5 decks
+18.85% synergy
18.87% of 53 decks
+18.75% synergy
Star of Extinction
18.52% of 54 decks
+18.36% synergy
Overpowering Attack
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.62% synergy
Walk the Plank
15.09% of 53 decks
+14.8% synergy
Battle at the Bridge
13.21% of 53 decks
+13.12% synergy
Golden Demise
13.21% of 53 decks
+13.19% synergy
Mastermind's Acquisition
11.32% of 53 decks
+10.99% synergy
Call to the Feast
10.0% of 10 decks
+8.71% synergy
Dark Intimations
8.57% of 35 decks
+8.28% synergy
Supreme Verdict
8.33% of 12 decks
-2.36% synergy
7.55% of 53 decks
-2.36% synergy
Yahenni's Expertise
7.55% of 53 decks
+7.36% synergy
6.25% of 48 decks
+4.79% synergy
Chart a Course
6.25% of 48 decks
+4.79% synergy
Grow from the Ashes
5.88% of 34 decks
+5.55% synergy
Attune with Aether
5.88% of 34 decks
+5.57% synergy
Day of Judgment
5.88% of 17 decks
+4.94% synergy
Open the Vaults
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.85% synergy
Contract Killing
5.66% of 53 decks
+5.65% synergy
March of the Drowned
5.66% of 53 decks
+5.6% synergy
Glimpse the Core
5.56% of 18 decks
+5.17% synergy
Hit the Mother Lode
5.0% of 20 decks
+4.95% synergy
4.17% of 48 decks
-0.12% synergy
Pirate's Prize
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.17% synergy
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.15% synergy
Flood of Recollection
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.03% synergy
Thassa's Bounty
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.07% synergy
River's Rebuke
4.17% of 48 decks
+3.93% synergy
Tome Scour
4.17% of 48 decks
+1.54% synergy
Entrancing Melody
4.17% of 48 decks
+3.97% synergy
4.17% of 48 decks
+3.89% synergy
Baral's Expertise
4.17% of 48 decks
+3.87% synergy
Feed the Swarm
3.77% of 53 decks
+1.18% synergy
Brass's Bounty
3.7% of 54 decks
+3.64% synergy
3.7% of 54 decks
+1.91% synergy
Touch of the Void
3.7% of 54 decks
+3.7% synergy
Jaya's Immolating Inferno
3.7% of 54 decks
+3.6% synergy
3.7% of 54 decks
+3.63% synergy
Tormenting Voice
3.7% of 54 decks
+2.7% synergy
Pirate's Pillage
3.7% of 54 decks
+3.59% synergy
Kari Zev's Expertise
3.7% of 54 decks
+3.42% synergy
Lórien Revealed
3.57% of 28 decks
-1.98% synergy
Savage Stomp
2.94% of 34 decks
+2.36% synergy
Turntimber Symbiosis // Turntimber, Serpentine Wood
2.94% of 34 decks
+0.93% synergy
2.94% of 34 decks
-1.39% synergy

Artifacts (50)

Treasure Map // Treasure Cove
25.71% of 70 decks
+24.42% synergy
Azor's Gateway // Sanctum of the Sun
14.29% of 70 decks
+14.1% synergy
Staff of Eden, Vault's Key
10.0% of 10 decks
+10.0% synergy
10.0% of 10 decks
+10.0% synergy
Orzhov Signet
10.0% of 10 decks
+9.08% synergy
Cultivator's Caravan
8.57% of 70 decks
+8.57% synergy
Pyramid of the Pantheon
7.14% of 70 decks
+6.96% synergy
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.85% synergy
Glass Casket
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.63% synergy
The Immortal Sun
5.71% of 70 decks
+3.67% synergy
Gilded Lotus
5.71% of 70 decks
+5.16% synergy
Primal Amulet // Primal Wellspring
5.71% of 70 decks
+5.53% synergy
Conqueror's Galleon // Conqueror's Foothold
5.71% of 70 decks
+5.53% synergy
5.71% of 70 decks
+5.71% synergy
Prophetic Prism
5.71% of 70 decks
+5.53% synergy
Diamond Pick-Axe
5.0% of 20 decks
+4.45% synergy
Magmatic Galleon
5.0% of 20 decks
+4.93% synergy
Brass's Tunnel-Grinder // Tecutlan, the Searing Rift
5.0% of 20 decks
+4.73% synergy
4.29% of 70 decks
-0.91% synergy
4.29% of 70 decks
+3.17% synergy
Mind Stone
4.29% of 70 decks
-24.84% synergy
Mirage Mirror
4.29% of 70 decks
+3.73% synergy
Unwinding Clock
4.29% of 70 decks
+2.06% synergy
Cloud Key
4.29% of 70 decks
-0.17% synergy
Inspiring Statuary
4.29% of 70 decks
+4.29% synergy
Sunset Pyramid
4.29% of 70 decks
+4.1% synergy
Cryptic Coat
4.17% of 24 decks
+3.44% synergy
The Enigma Jewel // Locus of Enlightenment
4.0% of 25 decks
+3.17% synergy
Lodestone Needle // Guidestone Compass
4.0% of 25 decks
+4.0% synergy
Braided Net // Braided Quipu
4.0% of 25 decks
+3.95% synergy
Beamtown Beatstick
3.7% of 27 decks
+3.46% synergy
Chimil, the Inner Sun
3.33% of 30 decks
+2.05% synergy
Conduit of Worlds
2.94% of 34 decks
+2.62% synergy
Planar Bridge
2.86% of 70 decks
+1.19% synergy
Traveler's Amulet
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.86% synergy
Pirate's Cutlass
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.86% synergy
Worn Powerstone
2.86% of 70 decks
+0.63% synergy
Heart of Kiran
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.86% synergy
Hedron Archive
2.86% of 70 decks
-5.86% synergy
Pacification Array
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.86% synergy
The Mightstone and Weakstone // Urza, Planeswalker
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.49% synergy
Prying Blade
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.86% synergy
Everflowing Chalice
2.86% of 70 decks
-8.83% synergy
Forsaken Monument
2.86% of 70 decks
-22.19% synergy
Silent Gravestone
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.86% synergy
Edifice of Authority
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.86% synergy
Elixir of Immortality
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.12% synergy
Swiftfoot Boots
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.49% synergy
Fountain of Renewal
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.49% synergy
Fell Flagship
2.86% of 70 decks
+2.86% synergy

Enchantments (50)

Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin
22.92% of 48 decks
+22.5% synergy
Sandwurm Convergence
17.65% of 34 decks
+17.31% synergy
Ixalan's Binding
17.65% of 17 decks
+17.43% synergy
Haphazard Bombardment
12.96% of 54 decks
+12.95% synergy
Anointed Procession
11.76% of 17 decks
+11.04% synergy
Cast Out
11.76% of 17 decks
+11.38% synergy
Authority of the Consuls
11.76% of 17 decks
+9.32% synergy
Revel in Riches
11.32% of 53 decks
+11.18% synergy
Sunbird's Invocation
11.11% of 54 decks
+11.07% synergy
Ethereal Absolution
10.0% of 10 decks
+9.18% synergy
Profane Procession // Tomb of the Dusk Rose
10.0% of 10 decks
+9.78% synergy
Cruel Reality
7.55% of 53 decks
+7.39% synergy
In Bolas's Clutches
6.25% of 48 decks
+6.25% synergy
At Knifepoint
6.25% of 16 decks
+5.74% synergy
Freed from the Real
6.25% of 48 decks
+6.15% synergy
Leyline Binding
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.82% synergy
Angelic Chorus
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.68% synergy
Michiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of Michiko
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.5% synergy
Angelic Accord
5.88% of 17 decks
+4.38% synergy
Tempered Steel
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.04% synergy
The Restoration of Eiganjo // Architect of Restoration
5.88% of 17 decks
+3.88% synergy
Sigarda's Summons
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.7% synergy
Thopter Arrest
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.83% synergy
Overwhelming Splendor
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.68% synergy
Legion's Landing // Adanto, the First Fort
5.88% of 17 decks
+3.37% synergy
Desert's Hold
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.85% synergy
Baffling End
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.82% synergy
Torment of Scarabs
5.66% of 53 decks
+5.21% synergy
The Eldest Reborn
5.66% of 53 decks
+5.28% synergy
Arguel's Blood Fast // Temple of Aclazotz
5.66% of 53 decks
+5.37% synergy
Vance's Blasting Cannons // Spitfire Bastion
5.56% of 54 decks
+5.41% synergy
Storm the Vault // Vault of Catlacan
5.26% of 38 decks
+5.17% synergy
Psychic Corrosion
4.17% of 48 decks
+3.43% synergy
Navigator's Ruin
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.13% synergy
Rising of the Day
4.17% of 24 decks
+3.99% synergy
Oracle's Insight
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.13% synergy
Metallurgic Summonings
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.09% synergy
Mechanized Production
4.17% of 48 decks
+3.69% synergy
Evanescent Intellect
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.07% synergy
Retreat to Coralhelm
4.17% of 48 decks
+4.01% synergy
Raiders' Wake
3.77% of 53 decks
+3.35% synergy
Nest of Scarabs
3.77% of 53 decks
+3.66% synergy
Dead Man's Chest
3.77% of 53 decks
+3.74% synergy
Trove of Temptation
3.7% of 54 decks
+3.66% synergy
3.23% of 31 decks
+2.35% synergy
Guardian Project
2.94% of 34 decks
+2.94% synergy
Beastmaster Ascension
2.94% of 34 decks
+2.34% synergy
Zendikar Resurgent
2.94% of 34 decks
+2.64% synergy
Path of Discovery
2.94% of 34 decks
+2.75% synergy
Druid Class
2.94% of 34 decks
+1.6% synergy

Planeswalkers (22)

Angrath, the Flame-Chained
21.74% of 46 decks
+21.17% synergy
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
18.52% of 54 decks
+12.17% synergy
Liliana, Death's Majesty
9.43% of 53 decks
+8.7% synergy
Teferi, Hero of Dominaria
8.33% of 12 decks
+3.25% synergy
Teferi, Time Raveler
8.33% of 12 decks
-5.1% synergy
Saheeli Rai
7.89% of 38 decks
+7.67% synergy
Tezzeret the Schemer
7.69% of 39 decks
+7.65% synergy
Karn, Scion of Urza
7.14% of 70 decks
+1.76% synergy
Serra the Benevolent
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.07% synergy
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
4.17% of 48 decks
+2.03% synergy
Tamiyo, Compleated Sage
4.17% of 24 decks
+3.77% synergy
Domri, City Smasher
3.23% of 31 decks
+3.05% synergy
Domri, Chaos Bringer
3.23% of 31 decks
+2.58% synergy
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
2.86% of 70 decks
-15.7% synergy
Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver
2.86% of 35 decks
+2.45% synergy
Karn, Living Legacy
2.86% of 70 decks
+0.26% synergy
Tezzeret, Master of Metal
2.56% of 39 decks
+2.48% synergy
Angrath, Minotaur Pirate
2.17% of 46 decks
+1.89% synergy
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
2.08% of 48 decks
+1.7% synergy
Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor
2.08% of 48 decks
+1.98% synergy
Liliana, Death Wielder
1.89% of 53 decks
+1.83% synergy
Ugin, the Ineffable
1.43% of 70 decks
-27.33% synergy

Lands (50)

Hinterland Harbor
50.0% of 24 decks
+38.62% synergy
Dragonskull Summit
45.65% of 46 decks
+32.78% synergy
Sunpetal Grove
42.86% of 7 decks
+32.57% synergy
Arch of Orazca
37.14% of 70 decks
+35.1% synergy
Spirebluff Canal
36.84% of 38 decks
-18.56% synergy
Scavenger Grounds
34.29% of 70 decks
+29.65% synergy
Drowned Catacomb
30.77% of 39 decks
+23.92% synergy
Fetid Pools
30.77% of 39 decks
+29.77% synergy
Highland Lake
28.95% of 38 decks
+28.42% synergy
Sulfur Falls
28.95% of 38 decks
+18.36% synergy
Evolving Wilds
28.57% of 70 decks
+28.39% synergy
Scattered Groves
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.22% synergy
Canyon Slough
28.26% of 46 decks
+25.16% synergy
Cinder Barrens
28.26% of 46 decks
+26.99% synergy
Field of Ruin
27.14% of 70 decks
+22.13% synergy
Ipnu Rivulet
27.08% of 48 decks
+25.95% synergy
Ifnir Deadlands
26.42% of 53 decks
+25.81% synergy
Submerged Boneyard
25.64% of 39 decks
+24.45% synergy
Razortide Bridge
25.0% of 12 decks
+17.83% synergy
Concealed Courtyard
20.0% of 10 decks
-6.02% synergy
Stone Quarry
20.0% of 10 decks
+17.38% synergy
Inspiring Vantage
20.0% of 10 decks
-15.47% synergy
Sheltered Thicket
19.35% of 31 decks
+16.63% synergy
Blooming Marsh
19.23% of 26 decks
-17.57% synergy
Memorial to War
18.52% of 54 decks
+18.47% synergy
Spara's Headquarters
16.67% of 6 decks
+4.73% synergy
Desert of the Glorified
15.09% of 53 decks
+14.92% synergy
Desert of the Fervent
14.81% of 54 decks
+14.4% synergy
Desert of the Indomitable
14.71% of 34 decks
+14.52% synergy
Tranquil Expanse
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.44% synergy
Temple Garden
14.29% of 7 decks
-21.52% synergy
Raffine's Tower
12.5% of 8 decks
-0.56% synergy
Breeding Pool
12.5% of 24 decks
-13.29% synergy
Shefet Dunes
11.76% of 17 decks
+8.59% synergy
Aether Hub
11.43% of 70 decks
+11.24% synergy
Crypt of the Eternals
11.43% of 35 decks
+10.84% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+9.34% synergy
Hidden Grotto
11.11% of 9 decks
+7.56% synergy
Temple of Silence
10.0% of 10 decks
+5.32% synergy
Sundown Pass
10.0% of 10 decks
+7.35% synergy
Sunlit Marsh
10.0% of 10 decks
+8.86% synergy
Rustvale Bridge
10.0% of 10 decks
+5.75% synergy
Goldmire Bridge
10.0% of 10 decks
+9.21% synergy
Godless Shrine
10.0% of 10 decks
-28.74% synergy
Isolated Chapel
10.0% of 10 decks
-3.74% synergy
Vault of the Archangel
10.0% of 10 decks
+6.22% synergy
Scoured Barrens
10.0% of 10 decks
+0.42% synergy
Clifftop Retreat
10.0% of 10 decks
+0.08% synergy
Shattered Sanctum
10.0% of 10 decks
+6.94% synergy
Stomping Ground
9.68% of 31 decks
-38.1% synergy
Generated 2025-01-18 16:25:52