Blood Burglar (Card)

In 19 decks
0.13% of 14782 decks
Average Type Distribution
Creatures (21)
Instants (4)
Sorceries (5)
Artifacts (2)
Enchantments (3)
Planeswalkers (0)
Lands (23)
Non-Basic Lands (3)

Top Oathbreakers (10)

Sorin, Vampire Lord
25.0% of 4 decks
Sorin the Mirthless
10.0% of 30 decks
Sorin Markov
6.0% of 50 decks
Sorin, Grim Nemesis
2.2% of 91 decks
Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord
1.33% of 225 decks
Kaya, Orzhov Usurper
0.68% of 147 decks
Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord
0.62% of 487 decks
Angrath, Captain of Chaos
0.5% of 199 decks
Liliana of the Dark Realms
0.41% of 241 decks
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
0.39% of 258 decks

Top Signature Spells (14)

Queen's Commission
40.0% of 5 decks
20.0% of 5 decks
Sorin's Thirst
14.29% of 7 decks
Crippling Fear
12.5% of 8 decks
Olivia's Wrath
10.0% of 10 decks
Light of Hope
8.33% of 12 decks
Temporal Extortion
6.25% of 16 decks
Sorin's Vengeance
3.45% of 29 decks
Urge to Feed
2.94% of 34 decks
Sign in Blood
2.38% of 42 decks
1.82% of 110 decks
Vampiric Tutor
1.2% of 250 decks
Deadly Dispute
1.03% of 97 decks
Lightning Bolt
0.37% of 271 decks

New Cards (4)

Bloodthirsty Conqueror
50.0% of 2 decks
+42.48% synergy
Cynical Loner
33.33% of 3 decks
+32.15% synergy
Derelict Attic // Widow's Walk
33.33% of 3 decks
+31.75% synergy
Enduring Tenacity
33.33% of 3 decks
+30.17% synergy

High Synergy Cards (10)

Clavileño, First of the Blessed
100.0% of 3 decks
+90.2% synergy
Ruthless Lawbringer
66.67% of 3 decks
+62.21% synergy
Child of Night
63.16% of 19 decks
+61.91% synergy
Baron Bertram Graywater
66.67% of 3 decks
+58.57% synergy
Indulgent Aristocrat
47.37% of 19 decks
+44.28% synergy
Inspiring Cleric
42.86% of 7 decks
+41.7% synergy
Cordial Vampire
47.37% of 19 decks
+40.48% synergy
Dusk Legion Duelist
40.0% of 5 decks
+38.8% synergy
Gifted Aetherborn
47.37% of 19 decks
+37.2% synergy
Bloodthirsty Aerialist
36.84% of 19 decks
+34.17% synergy

Top Cards (10)

Fear, Fire, Foes!
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.23% synergy
Shambling Remains
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.56% synergy
Rakish Heir
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.42% synergy
Fire Servant
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.85% synergy
Bogardan Hellkite
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.05% synergy
Punishing Fire
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.93% synergy
Volcanic Strength
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.93% synergy
Shivan Dragon
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.93% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.85% synergy
Blisterstick Shaman
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.93% synergy

Creatures (50)

Brimstone Mage
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.93% synergy
Keldon Warlord
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.78% synergy
Goblin Tunneler
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.71% synergy
Welcoming Vampire
42.86% of 7 decks
+28.35% synergy
Cruel Celebrant
42.86% of 7 decks
+12.0% synergy
Vampire Nighthawk
42.11% of 19 decks
+29.71% synergy
Blood Artist
36.84% of 19 decks
+19.6% synergy
Vampire of the Dire Moon
36.84% of 19 decks
+30.97% synergy
Amalia Benavides Aguirre
33.33% of 3 decks
+25.98% synergy
Epicure of Blood
31.58% of 19 decks
+30.25% synergy
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose
31.58% of 19 decks
+22.98% synergy
Savage Gorger
31.58% of 19 decks
+31.14% synergy
Drana's Emissary
28.57% of 7 decks
+17.47% synergy
Dreamdrinker Vampire
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.57% synergy
Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle
28.57% of 7 decks
+15.34% synergy
Bishop's Soldier
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.15% synergy
Echo of Dusk
27.27% of 11 decks
+26.92% synergy
Captivating Vampire
26.32% of 19 decks
+21.04% synergy
Butcher of Malakir
26.32% of 19 decks
+20.22% synergy
Marauding Blight-Priest
26.32% of 19 decks
+22.98% synergy
Nighthawk Scavenger
26.32% of 19 decks
+18.22% synergy
Bloodbond Vampire
21.05% of 19 decks
+20.39% synergy
Bloodline Keeper // Lord of Lineage
21.05% of 19 decks
+15.62% synergy
Vampire Neonate
21.05% of 19 decks
+20.43% synergy
Leering Onlooker
20.0% of 10 decks
+19.85% synergy
Basilica Stalker
20.0% of 10 decks
+19.56% synergy
Alley Assailant
20.0% of 10 decks
+19.85% synergy
Vampire Scrivener
17.65% of 17 decks
+17.32% synergy
Creeping Bloodsucker
17.65% of 17 decks
+12.53% synergy
Astarion, the Decadent
16.67% of 6 decks
+11.58% synergy
Stromkirk Bloodthief
16.67% of 18 decks
+16.26% synergy
Assault Intercessor
16.67% of 6 decks
+15.0% synergy
Restless Bloodseeker // Bloodsoaked Reveler
16.67% of 18 decks
+15.8% synergy
Barony Vampire
15.79% of 19 decks
+15.75% synergy
Silversmote Ghoul
15.79% of 19 decks
+13.45% synergy
15.79% of 19 decks
+7.31% synergy
Drana, Liberator of Malakir
15.79% of 19 decks
+9.77% synergy
15.79% of 19 decks
+7.54% synergy
Bloodflow Connoisseur
15.79% of 19 decks
+15.4% synergy
Thirsting Bloodlord
15.79% of 19 decks
+14.75% synergy
Vampire Envoy
15.79% of 19 decks
+15.52% synergy
Guul Draz Assassin
15.79% of 19 decks
+14.54% synergy
Knight of the Ebon Legion
15.79% of 19 decks
+10.04% synergy
Blood Seeker
15.79% of 19 decks
+12.86% synergy
Shadow Alley Denizen
15.79% of 19 decks
+13.91% synergy
Adanto Vanguard
14.29% of 7 decks
+10.93% synergy
Basilica Bell-Haunt
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.51% synergy
Corpse Knight
14.29% of 7 decks
+1.73% synergy
Tithe Drinker
14.29% of 7 decks
+5.25% synergy
Keeper of the Accord
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.47% synergy

Instants (50)

28.57% of 7 decks
+8.04% synergy
15.79% of 19 decks
+8.48% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.41% synergy
Crush Contraband
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.45% synergy
Zealous Persecution
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.67% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
14.29% of 7 decks
-24.77% synergy
Closing Statement
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.25% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.74% synergy
Dawn Charm
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.19% synergy
Take Heart
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.22% synergy
Make a Stand
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.64% synergy
Teferi's Protection
14.29% of 7 decks
+8.67% synergy
Vanishing Verse
14.29% of 7 decks
+7.76% synergy
Moment of Heroism
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.03% synergy
Generous Gift
14.29% of 7 decks
+7.0% synergy
Rebuff the Wicked
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.45% synergy
Expose to Daylight
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.03% synergy
Anguished Unmaking
14.29% of 7 decks
-16.06% synergy
Raise the Draugr
11.11% of 18 decks
+9.98% synergy
Fatal Push
10.53% of 19 decks
+5.13% synergy
Doom Blade
10.53% of 19 decks
+3.57% synergy
Cabal Ritual
10.53% of 19 decks
-5.31% synergy
Urge to Feed
10.53% of 19 decks
+8.22% synergy
Mirrodin Avenged
6.67% of 15 decks
+5.73% synergy
Offer Immortality
5.88% of 17 decks
+4.36% synergy
Ashnod's Intervention
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.55% synergy
Armor of Shadows
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.84% synergy
Reckoner's Bargain
5.88% of 17 decks
+4.17% synergy
Demon's Due
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.37% synergy
Fake Your Own Death
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.27% synergy
Cut Down
5.88% of 17 decks
+1.51% synergy
March of Wretched Sorrow
5.88% of 17 decks
+2.64% synergy
You Are Already Dead
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.19% synergy
Baleful Mastery
5.56% of 18 decks
-4.4% synergy
Blood Pact
5.56% of 18 decks
+3.65% synergy
Undying Malice
5.56% of 18 decks
+4.28% synergy
Borrowed Malevolence
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.22% synergy
Howl from Beyond
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.83% synergy
5.26% of 19 decks
-13.46% synergy
Go for the Throat
5.26% of 19 decks
-10.06% synergy
5.26% of 19 decks
+2.64% synergy
Tendrils of Corruption
5.26% of 19 decks
+1.47% synergy
Liliana's Triumph
5.26% of 19 decks
-6.74% synergy
Village Rites
5.26% of 19 decks
-7.42% synergy
Songs of the Damned
5.26% of 19 decks
+1.67% synergy
Last Kiss
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.18% synergy
Silence the Believers
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.18% synergy
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.75% synergy
Ultimate Price
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.75% synergy
Bone Harvest
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.07% synergy

Sorceries (50)

100.0% of 1 deck
+99.56% synergy
Act of Treason
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.08% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.98% synergy
Lava Axe
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.85% synergy
Feed the Swarm
31.58% of 19 decks
+7.38% synergy
Sign in Blood
21.05% of 19 decks
-4.36% synergy
Invoke Justice
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.39% synergy
Feast of Blood
15.79% of 19 decks
+14.38% synergy
Soul Salvage
15.79% of 19 decks
+15.52% synergy
Arterial Flow
15.79% of 19 decks
+10.94% synergy
Late to Dinner
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.02% synergy
Call to the Feast
14.29% of 7 decks
+7.77% synergy
Revival // Revenge
14.29% of 7 decks
+10.02% synergy
Secret Rendezvous
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.43% synergy
Debt to the Deathless
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.44% synergy
Solemn Offering
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.03% synergy
Annihilating Glare
11.76% of 17 decks
+7.16% synergy
Command the Dreadhorde
10.53% of 19 decks
+8.34% synergy
10.53% of 19 decks
+10.25% synergy
Read the Bones
10.53% of 19 decks
-0.26% synergy
Night's Whisper
10.53% of 19 decks
-5.46% synergy
Sovereign's Bite
10.53% of 19 decks
+10.1% synergy
Blood Tribute
10.53% of 19 decks
+9.0% synergy
10.53% of 19 decks
+9.55% synergy
Spark Harvest
10.53% of 19 decks
+6.81% synergy
The Elderspell
10.53% of 19 decks
-14.74% synergy
Bubbling Muck
10.53% of 19 decks
-3.86% synergy
Agonizing Syphon
10.53% of 19 decks
+10.41% synergy
Insatiable Avarice
10.0% of 10 decks
+5.54% synergy
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.84% synergy
Invoke Despair
5.88% of 17 decks
+1.2% synergy
Eaten Alive
5.56% of 18 decks
+2.16% synergy
Crippling Fear
5.56% of 18 decks
+3.55% synergy
Blood on the Snow
5.56% of 18 decks
+3.37% synergy
Edgar's Awakening
5.56% of 18 decks
+5.19% synergy
Olivia's Wrath
5.56% of 18 decks
+3.19% synergy
5.56% of 18 decks
+1.77% synergy
Go Blank
5.56% of 18 decks
+4.24% synergy
Entreat the Dead
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.91% synergy
5.26% of 19 decks
-9.9% synergy
Painful Lesson
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.05% synergy
Ancient Craving
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.32% synergy
March of the Returned
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.15% synergy
Bontu's Last Reckoning
5.26% of 19 decks
+3.97% synergy
Demonic Tutor
5.26% of 19 decks
-14.83% synergy
Stitch Together
5.26% of 19 decks
+3.54% synergy
5.26% of 19 decks
-8.42% synergy
Blood for Bones
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.06% synergy
Extinguish All Hope
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.11% synergy
Return from Extinction
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.87% synergy

Artifacts (34)

Veinfire Borderpost
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.12% synergy
Arcane Signet
21.05% of 19 decks
-7.79% synergy
Bontu's Monument
15.79% of 19 decks
+4.57% synergy
Portable Hole
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.93% synergy
Orzhov Signet
14.29% of 7 decks
-21.87% synergy
Replicating Ring
11.11% of 18 decks
+10.33% synergy
Commander's Sphere
10.53% of 19 decks
+5.99% synergy
Caged Sun
10.53% of 19 decks
+5.68% synergy
Skyclave Relic
10.53% of 19 decks
+10.1% synergy
Ghost Lantern // Bind Spirit
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.32% synergy
Resurrection Orb
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.69% synergy
Stonespeaker Crystal
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.6% synergy
Transmogrant Altar
5.88% of 17 decks
+5.06% synergy
Glass-Cast Heart
5.56% of 18 decks
+4.1% synergy
Maskwood Nexus
5.56% of 18 decks
+5.16% synergy
Sphere of Annihilation
5.56% of 18 decks
+5.47% synergy
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.01% synergy
Charcoal Diamond
5.26% of 19 decks
-10.84% synergy
Door of Destinies
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.01% synergy
Demon's Horn
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.36% synergy
Staff of the Death Magus
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.05% synergy
Cranial Archive
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.22% synergy
Elixir of Immortality
5.26% of 19 decks
+3.93% synergy
Altar of Shadows
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.11% synergy
Altar of the Brood
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.75% synergy
Mind Stone
5.26% of 19 decks
-11.51% synergy
Blackblade Reforged
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.83% synergy
Nightmare Lash
5.26% of 19 decks
+3.07% synergy
Amorphous Axe
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.22% synergy
Onyx Goblet
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.18% synergy
Icon of Ancestry
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.5% synergy
Ashnod's Altar
5.26% of 19 decks
-2.13% synergy
5.26% of 19 decks
+2.1% synergy
Vanquisher's Banner
5.26% of 19 decks
+3.78% synergy

Enchantments (41)

Legion's Landing // Adanto, the First Fort
42.86% of 7 decks
+25.88% synergy
Ajani's Mantra
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.93% synergy
Ajani's Welcome
28.57% of 7 decks
+25.28% synergy
Sanguine Bond
26.32% of 19 decks
+21.27% synergy
Exquisite Blood
26.32% of 19 decks
+21.31% synergy
Canonized in Blood
18.18% of 11 decks
+17.71% synergy
Touch the Spirit Realm
16.67% of 6 decks
+15.73% synergy
Campaign of Vengeance
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.64% synergy
Authority of the Consuls
14.29% of 7 decks
+3.63% synergy
Etchings of the Chosen
14.29% of 7 decks
+10.78% synergy
Debtors' Knell
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.32% synergy
Battle Mastery
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.22% synergy
Gift of Orzhova
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.58% synergy
Oblivion Ring
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.41% synergy
Curse of Vitality
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.9% synergy
Squire's Devotion
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.96% synergy
Sigarda's Splendor
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.65% synergy
Kaya's Ghostform
10.53% of 19 decks
+3.92% synergy
Eternal Thirst
10.53% of 19 decks
+10.21% synergy
Mark of the Vampire
10.53% of 19 decks
+10.37% synergy
Promise of Aclazotz // Foul Rebirth
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.74% synergy
Liliana's Talent
6.67% of 15 decks
+1.24% synergy
Black Market Connections
5.88% of 17 decks
+0.75% synergy
The Meathook Massacre
5.56% of 18 decks
-3.55% synergy
Gift of Fangs
5.56% of 18 decks
+4.6% synergy
Unholy Strength
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.18% synergy
Contaminated Ground
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.11% synergy
Leyline of the Void
5.26% of 19 decks
+3.15% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
5.26% of 19 decks
-14.32% synergy
Revenge of Ravens
5.26% of 19 decks
+3.31% synergy
Palace Siege
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.25% synergy
Demonic Embrace
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.54% synergy
Dictate of Erebos
5.26% of 19 decks
+2.37% synergy
Unholy Indenture
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.14% synergy
Curse of Fool's Wisdom
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.54% synergy
Underworld Dreams
5.26% of 19 decks
+0.45% synergy
Painful Quandary
5.26% of 19 decks
-0.25% synergy
Call the Bloodline
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.56% synergy
Infernal Scarring
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.18% synergy
Font of Return
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.15% synergy
Soul Bleed
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.26% synergy

Planeswalkers (4)

Kaya, Bane of the Dead
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.12% synergy
Sorin, Solemn Visitor
14.29% of 7 decks
+7.64% synergy
Sorin, Vampire Lord
10.53% of 19 decks
+10.21% synergy
Liliana, the Necromancer
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.44% synergy

Lands (44)

Bloodfell Caves
100.0% of 1 deck
+84.16% synergy
Forsaken Sanctuary
42.86% of 7 decks
+33.37% synergy
Concealed Courtyard
28.57% of 7 decks
+4.62% synergy
Caves of Koilos
28.57% of 7 decks
-15.33% synergy
Restless Fortress
25.0% of 4 decks
+15.63% synergy
Voldaren Estate
16.67% of 18 decks
+15.03% synergy
Bojuka Bog
15.79% of 19 decks
-9.82% synergy
Goldmire Bridge
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.1% synergy
Orzhov Basilica
14.29% of 7 decks
-13.41% synergy
Temple of Silence
14.29% of 7 decks
-16.7% synergy
Scoured Barrens
14.29% of 7 decks
-8.24% synergy
Vault of Champions
14.29% of 7 decks
-8.16% synergy
Shineshadow Snarl
14.29% of 7 decks
-6.16% synergy
Mistveil Plains
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.74% synergy
Cave of the Frost Dragon
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.23% synergy
Godless Shrine
14.29% of 7 decks
-34.52% synergy
Orzhov Guildgate
14.29% of 7 decks
+0.21% synergy
Barren Moor
10.53% of 19 decks
+2.0% synergy
Cavern of Souls
10.53% of 19 decks
+7.99% synergy
Witch's Cottage
10.53% of 19 decks
-3.27% synergy
Mortuary Mire
10.53% of 19 decks
+3.29% synergy
Conduit Pylons
10.0% of 10 decks
+9.81% synergy
Archway Commons
5.56% of 18 decks
+5.56% synergy
Hive of the Eye Tyrant
5.56% of 18 decks
+2.31% synergy
Crypt of Agadeem
5.26% of 19 decks
-0.52% synergy
Temple of the False God
5.26% of 19 decks
+2.49% synergy
Command Tower
5.26% of 19 decks
+3.62% synergy
Leechridden Swamp
5.26% of 19 decks
+1.59% synergy
Forge of Heroes
5.26% of 19 decks
+1.63% synergy
Evolving Wilds
5.26% of 19 decks
+3.19% synergy
Path of Ancestry
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.72% synergy
Karn's Bastion
5.26% of 19 decks
-3.18% synergy
Myriad Landscape
5.26% of 19 decks
-4.35% synergy
Cabal Stronghold
5.26% of 19 decks
-20.77% synergy
Fabled Passage
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.04% synergy
Deserted Temple
5.26% of 19 decks
+4.56% synergy
Castle Locthwain
5.26% of 19 decks
-10.77% synergy
Mage-Ring Network
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.11% synergy
Cryptic Caves
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.02% synergy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
5.26% of 19 decks
-23.82% synergy
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
5.26% of 19 decks
-12.33% synergy
Cabal Coffers
5.26% of 19 decks
-35.59% synergy
Polluted Mire
5.26% of 19 decks
+2.45% synergy
Cave of Temptation
5.26% of 19 decks
+5.22% synergy
Generated 2025-01-17 17:57:28