Blur of Blades (Card)

In 7 decks
0.04% of 16508 decks
Average Type Distribution
Creatures (14)
Instants (8)
Sorceries (7)
Artifacts (2)
Enchantments (4)
Planeswalkers (1)
Lands (22)
Non-Basic Lands (4)

Top Oathbreakers (7)

Chandra, Pyrogenius
14.29% of 7 decks
Jaya, Venerated Firemage
1.92% of 52 decks
Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
1.0% of 100 decks
Chandra, Dressed to Kill
0.6% of 166 decks
Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
0.45% of 223 decks
Wrenn and Six
0.12% of 844 decks
Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God
0.09% of 1091 decks

Top Signature Spells (5)

Breaking Point
50.0% of 4 decks
Demand Answers
25.0% of 4 decks
Torment of Hailfire
0.76% of 132 decks
Lightning Bolt
0.37% of 271 decks
Crop Rotation
0.13% of 755 decks

High Synergy Cards (10)

Manticore Eternal
42.86% of 7 decks
+42.77% synergy
Lava Axe
42.86% of 7 decks
+41.82% synergy
Firebrand Archer
57.14% of 7 decks
+41.53% synergy
Goblin Fireslinger
42.86% of 7 decks
+41.47% synergy
42.86% of 7 decks
+28.55% synergy
Lightning Strike
42.86% of 7 decks
+28.46% synergy
Ruinous Gremlin
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.45% synergy
Puncturing Blow
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.42% synergy
Lightning Blast
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.39% synergy
Hanabi Blast
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.39% synergy

Top Cards (10)

Living Twister
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.7% synergy
Ramunap Excavator
100.0% of 1 deck
+83.22% synergy
Atarka's Command
100.0% of 1 deck
+94.83% synergy
Broken Bond
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.25% synergy
Grapple with the Past
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.36% synergy
Open the Gates
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.77% synergy
Wayward Swordtooth
100.0% of 1 deck
+90.51% synergy
The Scorpion God
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.71% synergy
Klothys, God of Destiny
100.0% of 1 deck
+94.85% synergy
Azusa, Lost but Seeking
100.0% of 1 deck
+83.98% synergy

Creatures (50)

Mina and Denn, Wildborn
100.0% of 1 deck
+92.38% synergy
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove
100.0% of 1 deck
+86.94% synergy
Ammit Eternal
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.56% synergy
Evolution Sage
100.0% of 1 deck
+90.51% synergy
Nicol Bolas
50.0% of 2 decks
+46.19% synergy
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.34% synergy
Vizier of the Anointed
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Proven Combatant
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Vampiric Dragon
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.93% synergy
Silumgar, the Drifting Death
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.46% synergy
Festering Newt
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.78% synergy
Eternal of Harsh Truths
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Bladewing the Risen
50.0% of 2 decks
+47.59% synergy
Banewhip Punisher
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
The Scarab God
50.0% of 2 decks
+44.22% synergy
Razaketh, the Foulblooded
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.42% synergy
Khenra Eternal
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.78% synergy
Merciless Eternal
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.85% synergy
Death's-Head Buzzard
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Wasp of the Bitter End
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Blister Beetle
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Festering Goblin
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.85% synergy
Viral Drake
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.58% synergy
Kulrath Knight
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.93% synergy
Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
50.0% of 2 decks
+47.52% synergy
Consumptive Goo
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Champion of Wits
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.77% synergy
Festering Mummy
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.78% synergy
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
50.0% of 2 decks
+47.76% synergy
The Locust God
50.0% of 2 decks
+47.6% synergy
Accursed Horde
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.34% synergy
Electrostatic Field
28.57% of 7 decks
+13.49% synergy
Flameblade Angel
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.36% synergy
Sanguinary Mage
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.16% synergy
Scorch Spitter
28.57% of 7 decks
+26.31% synergy
Pyre Hound
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.3% synergy
Nimble-Blade Khenra
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.22% synergy
Renegade Firebrand
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.83% synergy
Karplusan Hound
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.69% synergy
Mogg Fanatic
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.92% synergy
Storm-Kiln Artist
20.0% of 5 decks
+10.0% synergy
Falkenrath Perforator
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.73% synergy
Kessig Flamebreather
20.0% of 5 decks
+5.56% synergy
Voldaren Epicure
20.0% of 5 decks
+18.06% synergy
Gimli, Counter of Kills
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.5% synergy
Dreamstalker Manticore
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.6% synergy
Blisterspit Gremlin
16.67% of 6 decks
+15.23% synergy
Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh
16.67% of 6 decks
+15.76% synergy
Neheb, the Eternal
14.29% of 7 decks
+7.56% synergy
Fire Bowman
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.26% synergy

Instants (32)

Veil of Summer
100.0% of 1 deck
+91.32% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.47% synergy
Return to Nature
100.0% of 1 deck
+94.72% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.99% synergy
50.0% of 2 decks
+47.74% synergy
Without Weakness
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.64% synergy
Tragic Lesson
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.87% synergy
Splendid Agony
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Supreme Will
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.22% synergy
Mystical Tutor
50.0% of 2 decks
+32.47% synergy
Fiery Temper
28.57% of 7 decks
+23.5% synergy
Dual Shot
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.28% synergy
28.57% of 7 decks
+26.54% synergy
Flame Lash
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.1% synergy
Searing Spear
28.57% of 7 decks
+25.83% synergy
28.57% of 7 decks
+0.51% synergy
Chandra's Outrage
28.57% of 7 decks
+25.65% synergy
Lightning Bolt
28.57% of 7 decks
-22.92% synergy
20.0% of 5 decks
+14.21% synergy
Flick a Coin
20.0% of 5 decks
+18.58% synergy
Smashing Success
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.78% synergy
Fateful End
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.43% synergy
Beacon of Destruction
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.73% synergy
Seething Song
14.29% of 7 decks
-19.06% synergy
Death Spark
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.14% synergy
Chaos Warp
14.29% of 7 decks
-13.01% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.25% synergy
Gut Shot
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.07% synergy
Dance with Devils
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.25% synergy
Jaya's Greeting
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.31% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.4% synergy
Lava Dart
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.87% synergy

Sorceries (33)

Gaea's Blessing
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.98% synergy
Contentious Plan
50.0% of 2 decks
+45.13% synergy
Black Sun's Zenith
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.56% synergy
Hour of Eternity
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Spread the Sickness
50.0% of 2 decks
+48.98% synergy
Bontu's Last Reckoning
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.27% synergy
Razaketh's Rite
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.93% synergy
Demonic Tutor
50.0% of 2 decks
+38.91% synergy
Kefnet's Last Word
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.87% synergy
50.0% of 2 decks
+42.7% synergy
Diabolic Tutor
50.0% of 2 decks
+48.47% synergy
Fight with Fire
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.27% synergy
Magmatic Insight
28.57% of 7 decks
+24.32% synergy
28.57% of 7 decks
+24.65% synergy
Firecannon Blast
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.34% synergy
Reckless Air Strike
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.36% synergy
28.57% of 7 decks
+22.73% synergy
End the Festivities
20.0% of 5 decks
+13.26% synergy
The Fall of Kroog
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.96% synergy
Jeska's Will
16.67% of 6 decks
-1.54% synergy
Explosion of Riches
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.16% synergy
Thundering Rebuke
16.67% of 6 decks
+15.59% synergy
Arc Trail
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.34% synergy
Faithless Looting
14.29% of 7 decks
-21.92% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+5.7% synergy
Flame Fusillade
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.99% synergy
Hour of Devastation
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.16% synergy
Flame Jab
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.34% synergy
Lava Coil
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.31% synergy
By Force
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.28% synergy
Indulge // Excess
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.17% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.81% synergy
Blasphemous Act
14.29% of 7 decks
-9.64% synergy

Artifacts (16)

Traveler's Amulet
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.8% synergy
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.92% synergy
Letter of Acceptance
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.81% synergy
Bonder's Ornament
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.35% synergy
Zuran Orb
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.05% synergy
Amulet of Vigor
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.11% synergy
Renegade Map
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.9% synergy
Mishra's Bauble
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.69% synergy
Pyromancer's Goggles
14.29% of 7 decks
+2.95% synergy
Mind Stone
14.29% of 7 decks
-7.7% synergy
Dagger of the Worthy
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.29% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.05% synergy
Cultivator's Caravan
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.99% synergy
Crucible of Worlds
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.78% synergy
God-Pharaoh's Gift
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.11% synergy
Sunset Pyramid
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.23% synergy

Enchantments (24)

Everlasting Torment
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.27% synergy
Ancestral Vengeance
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.93% synergy
Crippling Blight
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.93% synergy
Cartouche of Ambition
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.93% synergy
Fraying Sanity
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Swarm Intelligence
50.0% of 2 decks
+48.57% synergy
Crumbling Ashes
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Blowfly Infestation
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Torment of Scarabs
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.71% synergy
Unquenchable Thirst
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Pyromancer's Assault
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.8% synergy
Raid Bombardment
28.57% of 7 decks
+26.62% synergy
Fiery Inscription
20.0% of 5 decks
+13.65% synergy
Double Vision
16.67% of 6 decks
+13.79% synergy
Imminent Doom
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.23% synergy
Impact Tremors
14.29% of 7 decks
+6.35% synergy
Heat of Battle
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.23% synergy
Glacial Crevasses
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.9% synergy
Fire Whip
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.26% synergy
Goblin Bombardment
14.29% of 7 decks
+10.57% synergy
Cavalcade of Calamity
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.1% synergy
Mana Flare
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.43% synergy
Consuming Fervor
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.26% synergy
Furious Assault
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.23% synergy

Planeswalkers (4)

Liliana, Death Wielder
50.0% of 2 decks
+50.0% synergy
Chandra, Dressed to Kill
20.0% of 5 decks
+7.26% synergy
Chandra, Heart of Fire
16.67% of 6 decks
+10.76% synergy
Chandra, Fire Artisan
14.29% of 7 decks
+2.47% synergy

Lands (28)

Spire Garden
100.0% of 1 deck
+74.81% synergy
Gruul Turf
100.0% of 1 deck
+79.42% synergy
Stomping Ground
100.0% of 1 deck
+44.95% synergy
Rootbound Crag
100.0% of 1 deck
+63.6% synergy
Desert of the Mindful
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.29% synergy
Crypt of the Eternals
50.0% of 2 decks
+44.46% synergy
Cinder Barrens
50.0% of 2 decks
+45.55% synergy
Desert of the Glorified
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.56% synergy
Mines of Moria
20.0% of 5 decks
+18.27% synergy
Field of the Dead
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.13% synergy
Interplanar Beacon
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.34% synergy
Thespian's Stage
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.43% synergy
Ghost Town
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.29% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.01% synergy
Command Tower
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.19% synergy
Fabled Passage
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.07% synergy
Lotus Field
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.77% synergy
Dark Depths
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.17% synergy
Flamekin Village
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.07% synergy
Sunscorched Desert
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.34% synergy
Desert of the Fervent
14.29% of 7 decks
+10.36% synergy
Dunes of the Dead
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.14% synergy
Hanweir Battlements // Hanweir, the Writhing Township
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.4% synergy
Looming Spires
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.61% synergy
Ghost Quarter
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.75% synergy
Shivan Gorge
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.51% synergy
Ash Barrens
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.19% synergy
Ramunap Ruins
14.29% of 7 decks
+5.58% synergy
Generated 2025-01-17 17:34:28