Howlgeist (Card)

In 11 decks
0.07% of 15939 decks
Average Type Distribution
Creatures (20)
Instants (3)
Sorceries (4)
Artifacts (2)
Enchantments (6)
Planeswalkers (1)
Lands (22)
Non-Basic Lands (5)

Top Oathbreakers (7)

Arlinn, Voice of the Pack
1.59% of 63 decks
Arlinn, the Pack's Hope // Arlinn, the Moon's Fury
1.07% of 281 decks
Vivien, Champion of the Wilds
0.81% of 123 decks
Garruk, Cursed Huntsman
0.7% of 285 decks
Arlinn Kord // Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon
0.42% of 471 decks
Ajani, the Greathearted
0.24% of 413 decks
Nissa, Who Shakes the World
0.13% of 754 decks

Top Signature Spells (9)

Snakeskin Veil
10.0% of 10 decks
Return to Nature
9.09% of 11 decks
Moonlight Hunt
5.0% of 20 decks
Kindred Summons
2.56% of 39 decks
Return of the Wildspeaker
2.22% of 90 decks
Howl of the Night Pack
1.92% of 52 decks
Eldritch Evolution
1.27% of 79 decks
Enlightened Tutor
0.22% of 460 decks
0.19% of 522 decks

High Synergy Cards (10)

Harvesttide Infiltrator // Harvesttide Assailant
75.0% of 4 decks
+74.0% synergy
Young Wolf
72.73% of 11 decks
+71.22% synergy
Storm the Seedcore
66.67% of 3 decks
+65.96% synergy
Arlinn, Voice of the Pack
63.64% of 11 decks
+63.28% synergy
Spirit of the Hunt
63.64% of 11 decks
+62.37% synergy
Howlpack Resurgence
54.55% of 11 decks
+53.0% synergy
Mild-Mannered Librarian
50.0% of 4 decks
+50.0% synergy
Spectral Hunt-Caller
50.0% of 4 decks
+49.54% synergy
Hound Tamer // Untamed Pup
50.0% of 6 decks
+49.47% synergy
Pestilent Wolf
50.0% of 6 decks
+49.37% synergy

Top Cards (10)

100.0% of 1 deck
+99.69% synergy
Safehold Elite
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.49% synergy
Sarulf, Realm Eater
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.27% synergy
Day of Judgment
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.78% synergy
100.0% of 2 decks
+90.75% synergy
Wrath of God
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.44% synergy
Golgari Cluestone
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.02% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.08% synergy
Monk Idealist
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.8% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+95.08% synergy

Creatures (50)

100.0% of 1 deck
+99.03% synergy
Kithkin Spellduster
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.9% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.17% synergy
Vizier of Remedies
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.25% synergy
Kitchen Finks
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.66% synergy
Angel of Jubilation
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.64% synergy
Twilight Shepherd
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.95% synergy
60.0% of 5 decks
+42.31% synergy
Weaver of Blossoms // Blossom-Clad Werewolf
50.0% of 6 decks
+49.2% synergy
Tovolar, Dire Overlord // Tovolar, the Midnight Scourge
50.0% of 4 decks
+37.18% synergy
Nightpack Ambusher
50.0% of 10 decks
+48.05% synergy
Bounding Wolf
50.0% of 6 decks
+49.05% synergy
Runebound Wolf
50.0% of 4 decks
+47.68% synergy
Kessig Naturalist // Lord of the Ulvenwald
50.0% of 4 decks
+37.45% synergy
Fearful Villager // Fearsome Werewolf
50.0% of 4 decks
+49.07% synergy
45.45% of 11 decks
+44.74% synergy
Scorned Villager // Moonscarred Werewolf
45.45% of 11 decks
+44.47% synergy
Wolfir Silverheart
45.45% of 11 decks
+44.31% synergy
Arlinn's Wolf
45.45% of 11 decks
+44.5% synergy
Geier Reach Bandit // Vildin-Pack Alpha
40.0% of 5 decks
+25.9% synergy
Huntmaster of the Fells // Ravager of the Fells
40.0% of 5 decks
+23.98% synergy
Kessig Forgemaster // Flameheart Werewolf
40.0% of 5 decks
+36.7% synergy
Ulrich of the Krallenhorde // Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha
40.0% of 5 decks
+26.92% synergy
Afflicted Deserter // Werewolf Ransacker
40.0% of 5 decks
+32.5% synergy
Ferocious Pup
40.0% of 10 decks
+38.76% synergy
Village Ironsmith // Ironfang
40.0% of 5 decks
+38.66% synergy
Daybreak Ranger // Nightfall Predator
40.0% of 5 decks
+29.7% synergy
Pack Guardian
36.36% of 11 decks
+35.65% synergy
Mayor of Avabruck // Howlpack Alpha
36.36% of 11 decks
+35.81% synergy
Wolfir Avenger
36.36% of 11 decks
+35.53% synergy
Ascendant Packleader
33.33% of 6 decks
+31.64% synergy
Burly Breaker // Dire-Strain Demolisher
33.33% of 6 decks
+33.02% synergy
Kessig Cagebreakers
27.27% of 11 decks
+26.24% synergy
Briarpack Alpha
27.27% of 11 decks
+26.28% synergy
Somberwald Alpha
27.27% of 11 decks
+26.72% synergy
Master of the Wild Hunt
27.27% of 11 decks
+25.61% synergy
Wandering Wolf
27.27% of 11 decks
+26.44% synergy
Lone Wolf
27.27% of 11 decks
+26.84% synergy
Skalla Wolf
27.27% of 11 decks
+26.2% synergy
Lambholt Elder // Silverpelt Werewolf
27.27% of 11 decks
+27.04% synergy
Weary Prisoner // Wrathful Jailbreaker
25.0% of 4 decks
+24.5% synergy
Tuktuk Rubblefort
25.0% of 4 decks
+24.46% synergy
Floriferous Vinewall
25.0% of 4 decks
+24.77% synergy
Fierce Witchstalker
22.22% of 9 decks
+21.45% synergy
Wolf of Devil's Breach
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.65% synergy
Conduit of Storms // Conduit of Emrakul
20.0% of 5 decks
+18.39% synergy
Assembled Alphas
20.0% of 5 decks
+16.82% synergy
Pyreheart Wolf
20.0% of 5 decks
+17.96% synergy
Hinterland Hermit // Hinterland Scourge
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.45% synergy
Deranged Whelp
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.71% synergy

Instants (25)

Stroke of Midnight
100.0% of 1 deck
+93.07% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
100.0% of 1 deck
+56.23% synergy
Argivian Find
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.8% synergy
Moonrager's Slash
50.0% of 4 decks
+48.89% synergy
Duel for Dominance
33.33% of 6 decks
+33.23% synergy
Defend the Celestus
33.33% of 6 decks
+33.18% synergy
Beast Within
27.27% of 11 decks
-13.84% synergy
Demon Bolt
25.0% of 4 decks
+24.48% synergy
Tyvar's Stand
25.0% of 4 decks
+20.26% synergy
Struggle // Survive
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.62% synergy
Volt Charge
20.0% of 5 decks
+18.57% synergy
Ricochet Trap
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.88% synergy
Gruul Charm
20.0% of 5 decks
+17.02% synergy
Moonlight Hunt
18.18% of 11 decks
+17.03% synergy
Predator's Howl
18.18% of 11 decks
+17.23% synergy
Return to Nature
18.18% of 11 decks
+9.71% synergy
Waxing Moon
18.18% of 11 decks
+17.75% synergy
Vastwood Fortification // Vastwood Thicket
12.5% of 8 decks
+11.61% synergy
Crushing Canopy
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.62% synergy
Heroic Intervention
9.09% of 11 decks
-14.18% synergy
Pack's Favor
9.09% of 11 decks
+9.01% synergy
Kindred Summons
9.09% of 11 decks
+7.27% synergy
Squall Line
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.34% synergy
9.09% of 11 decks
-1.55% synergy
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.93% synergy

Sorceries (20)

In Garruk's Wake
100.0% of 2 decks
+95.14% synergy
Winds of Abandon
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.27% synergy
Rampant Growth
54.55% of 11 decks
+27.56% synergy
54.55% of 11 decks
+17.07% synergy
End the Festivities
50.0% of 4 decks
+49.15% synergy
Pack's Betrayal
50.0% of 4 decks
+48.73% synergy
Kodama's Reach
45.45% of 11 decks
+21.2% synergy
Howl of the Night Pack
36.36% of 11 decks
+34.11% synergy
27.27% of 11 decks
+20.35% synergy
Thundering Rebuke
25.0% of 4 decks
+24.57% synergy
Bala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged Sanctuary
25.0% of 8 decks
+17.08% synergy
Crater's Claws
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.8% synergy
18.18% of 11 decks
+1.8% synergy
Prey Upon
18.18% of 11 decks
+15.93% synergy
Nature's Spiral
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.22% synergy
Kamahl's Druidic Vow
9.09% of 11 decks
+7.59% synergy
Creeping Renaissance
9.09% of 11 decks
+7.86% synergy
Finale of Devastation
9.09% of 11 decks
-3.18% synergy
Nissa's Pilgrimage
9.09% of 11 decks
-0.96% synergy
Nissa's Triumph
9.09% of 11 decks
+1.33% synergy

Artifacts (11)

The Celestus
33.33% of 6 decks
+33.18% synergy
Firewild Borderpost
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.74% synergy
Ring of Valkas
18.18% of 11 decks
+18.18% synergy
Ring of Kalonia
18.18% of 11 decks
+17.67% synergy
Sword of Body and Mind
18.18% of 11 decks
+18.06% synergy
Wolfrider's Saddle
10.0% of 10 decks
+9.63% synergy
Commander's Sphere
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.06% synergy
Horned Helm
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.93% synergy
Vivien's Arkbow
9.09% of 11 decks
+6.04% synergy
Emerald Medallion
9.09% of 11 decks
-1.47% synergy
Lifecrafter's Bestiary
9.09% of 11 decks
+1.77% synergy

Enchantments (32)

Intercessor's Arrest
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.71% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.64% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.17% synergy
Court of Ardenvale
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.54% synergy
Ranger Class
50.0% of 6 decks
+47.08% synergy
Rhythm of the Wild
40.0% of 5 decks
+10.99% synergy
Wolfwillow Haven
37.5% of 8 decks
+35.67% synergy
Raised by Wolves
36.36% of 11 decks
+34.82% synergy
Aspect of Wolf
27.27% of 11 decks
+27.23% synergy
Wolfcaller's Howl
27.27% of 11 decks
+26.24% synergy
Full Moon's Rise
27.27% of 11 decks
+27.04% synergy
Mantle of the Wolf
25.0% of 8 decks
+24.25% synergy
Arni Slays the Troll
25.0% of 4 decks
+24.06% synergy
Kenrith's Transformation
22.22% of 9 decks
+16.81% synergy
Call of the Full Moon
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.88% synergy
Curse of Stalked Prey
20.0% of 5 decks
+19.8% synergy
Wolfkin Bond
18.18% of 11 decks
+17.59% synergy
18.18% of 11 decks
+18.1% synergy
Feed the Pack
18.18% of 11 decks
+17.39% synergy
18.18% of 11 decks
+15.25% synergy
Howling Moon
16.67% of 6 decks
+15.77% synergy
Court of Bounty
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.14% synergy
Sylvan Anthem
14.29% of 7 decks
+7.16% synergy
12.5% of 8 decks
+11.78% synergy
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.58% synergy
Growing Rites of Itlimoc // Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun
9.09% of 11 decks
-1.4% synergy
Elemental Bond
9.09% of 11 decks
+5.21% synergy
Zendikar Resurgent
9.09% of 11 decks
+5.01% synergy
Parallel Lives
9.09% of 11 decks
+5.49% synergy
Aspect of Mongoose
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.97% synergy
Feral Invocation
9.09% of 11 decks
+9.01% synergy
Wilderness Reclamation
9.09% of 11 decks
+4.3% synergy

Planeswalkers (2)

Garruk Relentless // Garruk, the Veil-Cursed
100.0% of 2 decks
+93.14% synergy
Arlinn Kord // Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon
40.0% of 5 decks
+35.48% synergy

Lands (38)

Llanowar Wastes
100.0% of 2 decks
+64.1% synergy
Branchloft Pathway // Boulderloft Pathway
100.0% of 1 deck
+82.08% synergy
Sunpetal Grove
100.0% of 1 deck
+56.9% synergy
Foul Orchard
100.0% of 2 decks
+94.87% synergy
Jungle Hollow
100.0% of 2 decks
+86.48% synergy
Thriving Bluff
50.0% of 4 decks
+49.28% synergy
Karplusan Forest
40.0% of 5 decks
+16.85% synergy
Wooded Ridgeline
33.33% of 3 decks
+25.54% synergy
Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
27.27% of 11 decks
+14.37% synergy
Evolving Wilds
27.27% of 11 decks
+21.3% synergy
Thriving Grove
25.0% of 8 decks
+24.9% synergy
Cinder Glade
20.0% of 5 decks
-27.72% synergy
Forgotten Cave
20.0% of 5 decks
+11.1% synergy
Gruul Turf
20.0% of 5 decks
-0.58% synergy
Kessig Wolf Run
20.0% of 5 decks
-7.99% synergy
Timber Gorge
20.0% of 5 decks
+17.64% synergy
Sheltered Thicket
20.0% of 5 decks
-3.58% synergy
Stomping Ground
20.0% of 5 decks
-35.05% synergy
Temple of Abandon
20.0% of 5 decks
+1.61% synergy
Cryptic Caves
20.0% of 10 decks
+19.71% synergy
Grove of the Burnwillows
20.0% of 5 decks
+7.45% synergy
Rootbound Crag
20.0% of 5 decks
-16.4% synergy
Myriad Landscape
18.18% of 11 decks
+8.57% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
18.18% of 11 decks
+13.47% synergy
Command Tower
18.18% of 11 decks
+17.15% synergy
Unknown Shores
18.18% of 11 decks
+18.14% synergy
Desert of the Indomitable
18.18% of 11 decks
+16.36% synergy
Bonders' Enclave
12.5% of 8 decks
+10.81% synergy
Verdant Catacombs
9.09% of 11 decks
+4.42% synergy
Sapseep Forest
9.09% of 11 decks
+7.82% synergy
Wooded Foothills
9.09% of 11 decks
+4.3% synergy
Interplanar Beacon
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.58% synergy
Forge of Heroes
9.09% of 11 decks
+6.12% synergy
Bloodstained Mire
9.09% of 11 decks
+9.09% synergy
Tranquil Thicket
9.09% of 11 decks
+1.73% synergy
Ghost Quarter
9.09% of 11 decks
+7.71% synergy
Exotic Orchard
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.85% synergy
Ash Barrens
9.09% of 11 decks
+8.77% synergy
Generated 2025-01-17 17:34:21