Liliana's Steward (Card)

In 26 decks
0.19% of 13477 decks
Average Type Distribution
Creatures (17)
Instants (4)
Sorceries (7)
Artifacts (3)
Enchantments (3)
Planeswalkers (2)
Lands (22)
Non-Basic Lands (3)

Top Oathbreakers (12)

Liliana, Waker of the Dead
5.06% of 79 decks
Liliana, the Last Hope
4.32% of 139 decks
Liliana Vess
2.27% of 44 decks
Liliana, Death's Majesty
1.94% of 155 decks
Liliana, Untouched by Death
1.61% of 124 decks
Professor Onyx
1.1% of 272 decks
Sivitri, Dragon Master
0.92% of 109 decks
Liliana of the Dark Realms
0.83% of 241 decks
Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage
0.71% of 140 decks
Kaya, Orzhov Usurper
0.68% of 147 decks
Liliana, Dreadhorde General
0.63% of 158 decks
Liliana of the Veil
0.34% of 296 decks

Top Signature Spells (17)

Liliana's Indignation
25.0% of 4 decks
Ill-Gotten Gains
20.0% of 5 decks
Covetous Urge
14.29% of 7 decks
March of the Drowned
11.11% of 9 decks
6.67% of 30 decks
Drag to the Underworld
6.67% of 15 decks
Settle the Score
5.26% of 19 decks
Hymn to Tourach
4.76% of 21 decks
Dread Summons
4.76% of 21 decks
Liliana's Triumph
2.49% of 201 decks
Plumb the Forbidden
1.09% of 92 decks
Village Rites
0.98% of 102 decks
Chain of Smog
0.97% of 207 decks
0.43% of 234 decks
0.35% of 288 decks
Demonic Tutor
0.33% of 307 decks
The Elderspell
0.2% of 1001 decks

High Synergy Cards (10)

Liliana's Standard Bearer
42.31% of 26 decks
+39.03% synergy
Liliana's Elite
38.46% of 26 decks
+36.19% synergy
Liliana's Reaver
42.31% of 26 decks
+36.05% synergy
Liliana's Devotee
34.62% of 26 decks
+30.87% synergy
Liliana's Mastery
38.46% of 26 decks
+28.92% synergy
Liliana's Scrounger
30.77% of 26 decks
+27.62% synergy
Liliana's Triumph
38.46% of 26 decks
+26.46% synergy
34.62% of 26 decks
+25.58% synergy
Liliana's Shade
26.92% of 26 decks
+25.48% synergy
Oath of Liliana
26.92% of 26 decks
+22.9% synergy

Top Cards (10)

100.0% of 1 deck
+98.97% synergy
Inspiring Overseer
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.71% synergy
Karlov of the Ghost Council
100.0% of 1 deck
+94.96% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+77.06% synergy
Sin Collector
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.38% synergy
Whispering Madness
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.18% synergy
King Narfi's Betrayal
100.0% of 1 deck
+93.72% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+79.47% synergy
Belltoll Dragon
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.89% synergy
Lurrus of the Dream-Den
100.0% of 1 deck
+93.1% synergy

Creatures (50)

Daxos, Blessed by the Sun
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.94% synergy
Kambal, Consul of Allocation
100.0% of 1 deck
+82.63% synergy
Jace's Phantasm
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.28% synergy
Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.16% synergy
Silumgar, the Drifting Death
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.77% synergy
Bygone Bishop
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.03% synergy
Dragonlord Silumgar
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.03% synergy
Iymrith, Desert Doom
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.2% synergy
Blue Dragon
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.78% synergy
Dragonborn Looter
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.08% synergy
Obzedat, Ghost Council
100.0% of 1 deck
+95.87% synergy
Sludge Monster
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.2% synergy
Icefall Regent
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.11% synergy
Lazav, Dimir Mastermind
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.46% synergy
34.62% of 26 decks
+20.39% synergy
Lord of the Accursed
30.77% of 26 decks
+19.39% synergy
Cemetery Reaper
30.77% of 26 decks
+20.57% synergy
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
30.77% of 26 decks
-4.92% synergy
Headless Rider
27.27% of 22 decks
+20.5% synergy
Champion of the Perished
27.27% of 22 decks
+17.9% synergy
Liliana's Specter
26.92% of 26 decks
+21.8% synergy
Death Baron
26.92% of 26 decks
+14.61% synergy
Josu Vess, Lich Knight
23.08% of 26 decks
+18.85% synergy
Murderous Rider // Swift End
23.08% of 26 decks
+5.38% synergy
Diregraf Colossus
23.08% of 26 decks
+11.43% synergy
Shambling Ghast
21.74% of 23 decks
+15.6% synergy
Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal // Temple of the Dead
20.0% of 10 decks
+16.0% synergy
The Raven Man
20.0% of 20 decks
+11.82% synergy
Liliana, Heretical Healer // Liliana, Defiant Necromancer
19.23% of 26 decks
+11.29% synergy
Undead Augur
19.23% of 26 decks
+10.84% synergy
Accursed Marauder
16.67% of 6 decks
+3.13% synergy
Forsaken Miner
16.67% of 6 decks
+14.99% synergy
Retrofitted Transmogrant
16.67% of 6 decks
+13.83% synergy
Carrion Feeder
15.38% of 26 decks
+5.06% synergy
15.38% of 26 decks
+5.73% synergy
Wight of Precinct Six
15.38% of 26 decks
+14.37% synergy
Grave Titan
15.38% of 26 decks
+4.24% synergy
Shepherd of Rot
15.38% of 26 decks
+11.79% synergy
Fell Stinger
13.64% of 22 decks
+10.59% synergy
Archghoul of Thraben
13.64% of 22 decks
+9.77% synergy
Tainted Adversary
13.64% of 22 decks
+10.6% synergy
Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia
13.64% of 22 decks
+5.62% synergy
12.5% of 8 decks
+11.61% synergy
Bone Miser
11.54% of 26 decks
+8.51% synergy
Viscera Seer
11.54% of 26 decks
+2.39% synergy
Gnawing Zombie
11.54% of 26 decks
+11.19% synergy
Doomed Dissenter
11.54% of 26 decks
+7.28% synergy
Kothophed, Soul Hoarder
11.54% of 26 decks
+10.44% synergy
11.54% of 26 decks
-6.13% synergy
Foulmire Knight // Profane Insight
11.54% of 26 decks
+9.06% synergy

Instants (50)

Swords to Plowshares
100.0% of 1 deck
+60.94% synergy
Dance of the Skywise
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.96% synergy
Silumgar's Command
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.77% synergy
Glacial Grasp
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.67% synergy
Lofty Denial
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.83% synergy
30.77% of 26 decks
+12.04% synergy
26.92% of 26 decks
+19.61% synergy
Corrupted Conviction
12.5% of 16 decks
+7.28% synergy
Baleful Mastery
12.0% of 25 decks
+2.04% synergy
Go for the Throat
11.54% of 26 decks
-3.79% synergy
Hero's Downfall
11.54% of 26 decks
-8.71% synergy
Offer Immortality
10.53% of 19 decks
+9.01% synergy
Sheoldred's Edict
10.53% of 19 decks
-13.73% synergy
Fanatical Offering
10.0% of 10 decks
+9.18% synergy
Cut Down
10.0% of 20 decks
+5.63% synergy
Bitter Triumph
10.0% of 10 decks
-0.35% synergy
Deadly Dispute
8.7% of 23 decks
-1.84% synergy
Nasty End
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.56% synergy
Rise of the Dread Marn
8.0% of 25 decks
+5.69% synergy
Raise the Draugr
8.0% of 25 decks
+6.87% synergy
Fatal Push
7.69% of 26 decks
+2.3% synergy
Tendrils of Corruption
7.69% of 26 decks
+3.9% synergy
Village Rites
7.69% of 26 decks
-4.99% synergy
Vampiric Tutor
7.69% of 26 decks
-7.59% synergy
Black Sun's Twilight
5.26% of 19 decks
+1.74% synergy
Deadly Plot
5.0% of 20 decks
+3.65% synergy
Fake Your Own Death
5.0% of 20 decks
+4.39% synergy
Reckoner's Bargain
4.76% of 21 decks
+3.05% synergy
You Are Already Dead
4.76% of 21 decks
+4.07% synergy
Blood Pact
4.55% of 22 decks
+2.64% synergy
Undying Malice
4.55% of 22 decks
+3.27% synergy
Rotten Reunion
4.55% of 22 decks
+4.0% synergy
Power Word Kill
4.35% of 23 decks
+2.7% synergy
Malakir Rebirth // Malakir Mire
4.0% of 25 decks
-2.25% synergy
Crushing Disappointment
4.0% of 25 decks
+3.21% synergy
Diabolic Edict
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.71% synergy
Grim Affliction
3.85% of 26 decks
-1.16% synergy
Deadly Rollick
3.85% of 26 decks
-1.54% synergy
Vraska's Contempt
3.85% of 26 decks
-0.06% synergy
Torment of Venom
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.65% synergy
Corpse Churn
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.14% synergy
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.53% synergy
Suffocating Fumes
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.76% synergy
Cabal Ritual
3.85% of 26 decks
-11.99% synergy
Cast Down
3.85% of 26 decks
-0.96% synergy
Alchemist's Gift
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.59% synergy
Erebos's Intervention
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.51% synergy
Finishing Blow
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.55% synergy
Victim of Night
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.19% synergy
Altar's Reap
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.77% synergy

Sorceries (50)

Legions to Ashes
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.51% synergy
Winged Words
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.67% synergy
Sevinne's Reclamation
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.13% synergy
Strategic Planning
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.26% synergy
Mind Rot
23.08% of 26 decks
+21.75% synergy
Cemetery Recruitment
23.08% of 26 decks
+20.69% synergy
Army of the Damned
23.08% of 26 decks
+17.21% synergy
Dark Salvation
23.08% of 26 decks
+19.09% synergy
Sign in Blood
19.23% of 26 decks
-6.18% synergy
Liliana's Spoils
19.23% of 26 decks
+18.68% synergy
Rise from the Grave
15.38% of 26 decks
+13.9% synergy
Settle the Score
15.38% of 26 decks
+10.97% synergy
15.38% of 26 decks
+1.7% synergy
Feed the Swarm
12.0% of 25 decks
-12.2% synergy
Read the Bones
11.54% of 26 decks
+0.75% synergy
Beacon of Unrest
11.54% of 26 decks
+9.51% synergy
Liliana's Indignation
11.54% of 26 decks
+10.72% synergy
Liliana's Scorn
11.54% of 26 decks
+11.28% synergy
Macabre Waltz
11.54% of 26 decks
+10.52% synergy
The Elderspell
11.54% of 26 decks
-13.73% synergy
No Way Out
9.09% of 22 decks
+8.55% synergy
The Torment of Gollum
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.16% synergy
Necrotic Hex
8.0% of 25 decks
+6.45% synergy
Command the Dreadhorde
7.69% of 26 decks
+5.5% synergy
7.69% of 26 decks
+7.3% synergy
Syphon Mind
7.69% of 26 decks
-0.56% synergy
Night's Whisper
7.69% of 26 decks
-8.3% synergy
Inquisition of Kozilek
7.69% of 26 decks
+3.51% synergy
Reave Soul
7.69% of 26 decks
+7.5% synergy
Killing Wave
7.69% of 26 decks
+5.85% synergy
Toxic Deluge
7.69% of 26 decks
-4.66% synergy
Demonic Tutor
7.69% of 26 decks
-12.4% synergy
7.69% of 26 decks
-9.55% synergy
7.69% of 26 decks
+6.71% synergy
Bad Deal
7.69% of 26 decks
+7.22% synergy
Final Parting
7.69% of 26 decks
+6.25% synergy
Price of Betrayal
7.69% of 26 decks
+3.0% synergy
Rise Again
7.69% of 26 decks
+7.44% synergy
Liliana's Influence
7.69% of 26 decks
+7.34% synergy
Drown in Ichor
5.26% of 19 decks
-9.14% synergy
Extract the Truth
5.0% of 20 decks
+4.25% synergy
Invoke Despair
4.76% of 21 decks
+0.08% synergy
Eaten Alive
4.55% of 22 decks
+1.15% synergy
Ghouls' Night Out
4.55% of 22 decks
+3.46% synergy
Bone Shards
4.35% of 23 decks
-2.5% synergy
Fates' Reversal
4.35% of 23 decks
+4.21% synergy
Never // Return
4.35% of 23 decks
+1.1% synergy
Unmarked Grave
4.17% of 24 decks
+1.97% synergy
Skull Raid
4.0% of 25 decks
+3.74% synergy
Crippling Fear
4.0% of 25 decks
+1.99% synergy

Artifacts (46)

Talisman of Hierarchy
100.0% of 1 deck
+74.7% synergy
Charcoal Diamond
19.23% of 26 decks
+3.12% synergy
Disruptor Flute
16.67% of 6 decks
+15.57% synergy
Arcane Signet
15.38% of 26 decks
-13.46% synergy
Jet Medallion
11.54% of 26 decks
-14.18% synergy
Ashnod's Altar
11.54% of 26 decks
+4.15% synergy
Mox Amber
7.69% of 26 decks
+4.53% synergy
Caged Sun
7.69% of 26 decks
+2.84% synergy
Extraplanar Lens
7.69% of 26 decks
+5.27% synergy
Contagion Clasp
7.69% of 26 decks
+2.73% synergy
Pithing Needle
7.69% of 26 decks
+4.68% synergy
Wayfarer's Bauble
7.69% of 26 decks
+1.59% synergy
Phyrexian Altar
7.69% of 26 decks
+1.32% synergy
Heraldic Banner
7.69% of 26 decks
+5.29% synergy
Dross Skullbomb
5.26% of 19 decks
+3.79% synergy
Transmogrant Altar
5.0% of 20 decks
+4.18% synergy
Crowded Crypt
4.55% of 22 decks
+0.79% synergy
Wand of Orcus
4.35% of 23 decks
+1.81% synergy
Lotus Bloom
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.56% synergy
Hall of Triumph
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.65% synergy
Temple Bell
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.09% synergy
Commander's Sphere
3.85% of 26 decks
-0.69% synergy
Whip of Erebos
3.85% of 26 decks
-1.28% synergy
Malefic Scythe
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.59% synergy
Grimoire of the Dead
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.56% synergy
Gauntlet of Power
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.93% synergy
Geth's Grimoire
3.85% of 26 decks
-3.23% synergy
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.81% synergy
Coldsteel Heart
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.77% synergy
Howling Mine
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.34% synergy
Sword of the Animist
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.48% synergy
Lightning Greaves
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.97% synergy
The Chain Veil
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.85% synergy
Chrome Mox
3.85% of 26 decks
-3.03% synergy
Obelisk of Urd
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.49% synergy
Expedition Map
3.85% of 26 decks
-2.76% synergy
Mox Tantalite
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.57% synergy
Mind Stone
3.85% of 26 decks
-12.92% synergy
Lotus Petal
3.85% of 26 decks
-3.15% synergy
Mox Diamond
3.85% of 26 decks
-0.73% synergy
Bontu's Monument
3.85% of 26 decks
-7.37% synergy
Mox Opal
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.46% synergy
Witch's Cauldron
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.42% synergy
Nim Deathmantle
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.1% synergy
Sisay's Ring
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.49% synergy
Sorcerous Spyglass
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.06% synergy

Enchantments (43)

Oath of Kaya
100.0% of 1 deck
+85.02% synergy
Patient Rebuilding
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.12% synergy
Touch the Spirit Realm
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.06% synergy
Liliana's Caress
30.77% of 26 decks
+18.85% synergy
Liliana's Talent
25.0% of 16 decks
+19.57% synergy
Waste Not
15.38% of 26 decks
+0.18% synergy
Endless Ranks of the Dead
15.38% of 26 decks
+6.28% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
11.54% of 26 decks
-8.05% synergy
Open the Graves
11.54% of 26 decks
+7.67% synergy
Ghoulish Procession
9.09% of 22 decks
+6.33% synergy
Dreadhorde Invasion
7.69% of 26 decks
-0.36% synergy
7.69% of 26 decks
+4.45% synergy
Liliana's Contract
7.69% of 26 decks
+5.66% synergy
The Eldest Reborn
7.69% of 26 decks
+1.52% synergy
Vampiric Rites
7.69% of 26 decks
+5.31% synergy
Curse of the Restless Dead
4.55% of 22 decks
+3.23% synergy
The Meathook Massacre
4.55% of 22 decks
-4.56% synergy
Dying to Serve
4.55% of 22 decks
+3.32% synergy
Animate Dead
3.85% of 26 decks
-8.27% synergy
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.71% synergy
3.85% of 26 decks
-6.32% synergy
Elspeth's Nightmare
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.55% synergy
Crippling Blight
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.77% synergy
Words of Waste
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.44% synergy
Necrogen Mists
3.85% of 26 decks
+0.41% synergy
Tainted Remedy
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.46% synergy
Aspect of Lamprey
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.59% synergy
Graf Harvest
3.85% of 26 decks
-0.34% synergy
Oversold Cemetery
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.62% synergy
Dictate of Erebos
3.85% of 26 decks
+0.95% synergy
Zombie Infestation
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.56% synergy
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.3% synergy
Bastion of Remembrance
3.85% of 26 decks
-3.02% synergy
Shrieking Affliction
3.85% of 26 decks
-3.54% synergy
Grave Betrayal
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.87% synergy
Underworld Dreams
3.85% of 26 decks
-0.96% synergy
Painful Quandary
3.85% of 26 decks
-1.67% synergy
Sanguine Bond
3.85% of 26 decks
-1.2% synergy
Rite of Belzenlok
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.3% synergy
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.77% synergy
Quest for the Nihil Stone
3.85% of 26 decks
-2.02% synergy
Exquisite Blood
3.85% of 26 decks
-1.16% synergy
Black Market
3.85% of 26 decks
-0.81% synergy

Planeswalkers (17)

Kaya, Ghost Assassin
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.51% synergy
Liliana, Waker of the Dead
26.92% of 26 decks
+22.24% synergy
Invasion of Eldraine // Prickle Faeries
18.75% of 16 decks
+17.54% synergy
Liliana, Dreadhorde General
15.38% of 26 decks
+8.93% synergy
Liliana, Death's Majesty
15.38% of 26 decks
+9.95% synergy
Professor Onyx
12.0% of 25 decks
+10.64% synergy
Liliana of the Dark Realms
11.54% of 26 decks
+6.73% synergy
Liliana Vess
11.54% of 26 decks
+8.18% synergy
Liliana, Death Mage
11.54% of 26 decks
+10.69% synergy
Liliana, Death Wielder
7.69% of 26 decks
+7.15% synergy
Liliana of the Veil
7.69% of 26 decks
+2.84% synergy
Lolth, Spider Queen
4.35% of 23 decks
+2.75% synergy
Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage
3.85% of 26 decks
-1.12% synergy
Liliana, Untouched by Death
3.85% of 26 decks
+0.76% synergy
Liliana, the Necromancer
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.03% synergy
Ob Nixilis Reignited
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.42% synergy
Liliana, the Last Hope
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.34% synergy

Lands (35)

Isolated Chapel
100.0% of 1 deck
+50.03% synergy
Caves of Koilos
100.0% of 1 deck
+56.1% synergy
Witch's Cottage
26.92% of 26 decks
+13.13% synergy
Cabal Stronghold
26.92% of 26 decks
+0.89% synergy
Barren Moor
23.08% of 26 decks
+14.55% synergy
Mortuary Mire
15.38% of 26 decks
+8.15% synergy
Cabal Coffers
15.38% of 26 decks
-25.47% synergy
Phyrexian Tower
11.54% of 26 decks
+0.67% synergy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
11.54% of 26 decks
-17.55% synergy
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
11.54% of 26 decks
-6.05% synergy
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
9.52% of 21 decks
-0.43% synergy
Crypt of Agadeem
7.69% of 26 decks
+1.91% synergy
Command Tower
7.69% of 26 decks
+6.05% synergy
7.69% of 26 decks
+6.25% synergy
Evolving Wilds
7.69% of 26 decks
+5.62% synergy
Desert of the Glorified
7.69% of 26 decks
+5.78% synergy
Castle Locthwain
7.69% of 26 decks
-8.34% synergy
Memorial to Folly
7.69% of 26 decks
+4.92% synergy
Bojuka Bog
7.69% of 26 decks
-17.91% synergy
Polluted Mire
7.69% of 26 decks
+4.88% synergy
The Dross Pits
5.26% of 19 decks
+2.23% synergy
War Room
4.0% of 25 decks
-0.57% synergy
Unholy Grotto
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.7% synergy
Leechridden Swamp
3.85% of 26 decks
+0.17% synergy
Vivid Marsh
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.77% synergy
Ancient Tomb
3.85% of 26 decks
-4.29% synergy
Karn's Bastion
3.85% of 26 decks
-4.6% synergy
Westvale Abbey // Ormendahl, Profane Prince
3.85% of 26 decks
+0.72% synergy
Ebon Stronghold
3.85% of 26 decks
+1.03% synergy
Myriad Landscape
3.85% of 26 decks
-5.77% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.4% synergy
Ifnir Deadlands
3.85% of 26 decks
+3.34% synergy
Boseiju, Who Shelters All
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.87% synergy
Reliquary Tower
3.85% of 26 decks
-1.78% synergy
Vault of Whispers
3.85% of 26 decks
+2.67% synergy
Generated 2025-01-17 17:07:14