Take Out the Trash (Card)

In 12 decks
0.6% of 1987 decks
Average Type Distribution
Creatures (15)
Instants (8)
Sorceries (6)
Artifacts (3)
Enchantments (4)
Planeswalkers (0)
Lands (22)
Non-Basic Lands (5)

Top Oathbreakers (6)

Ral, Caller of Storms
20.0% of 5 decks
Ral, Crackling Wit
3.72% of 188 decks
Domri, Anarch of Bolas
0.32% of 311 decks
Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes
0.22% of 445 decks
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
0.17% of 604 decks
Ral, Storm Conduit
0.11% of 901 decks

Top Signature Spells (4)

Unholy Heat
12.5% of 8 decks
Otterball Antics
10.0% of 20 decks
Serum Snare
5.0% of 20 decks
Lightning Bolt
0.74% of 271 decks

New Cards (5)

Ashroot Animist
50.0% of 2 decks
+45.06% synergy
Drake Hatcher
50.0% of 2 decks
+48.68% synergy
Trial of Agony
25.0% of 8 decks
+24.25% synergy
Roaring Furnace // Steaming Sauna
16.67% of 6 decks
+14.74% synergy
Vanish from Sight
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.28% synergy

High Synergy Cards (10)

Tempest Angler
100.0% of 9 decks
+86.59% synergy
Pearl of Wisdom
77.78% of 9 decks
+65.78% synergy
Alania, Divergent Storm
77.78% of 9 decks
+64.84% synergy
Valley Floodcaller
77.78% of 9 decks
+63.19% synergy
Coruscation Mage
75.0% of 12 decks
+62.5% synergy
Stormcatch Mentor
100.0% of 9 decks
+61.41% synergy
Rockface Village
58.33% of 12 decks
+57.8% synergy
Thundertrap Trainer
66.67% of 9 decks
+56.78% synergy
Kindlespark Duo
58.33% of 12 decks
+56.21% synergy
58.33% of 12 decks
+56.21% synergy

Top Cards (10)

Junkblade Bruiser
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.0% synergy
Season of Gathering
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.0% synergy
Longstalk Brawl
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.25% synergy
Bakersbane Duo
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.5% synergy
Wandertale Mentor
100.0% of 2 decks
+97.01% synergy
Kitsa, Otterball Elite
66.67% of 9 decks
+52.31% synergy
Stormchaser's Talent
66.67% of 9 decks
+48.78% synergy
Shore Up
55.56% of 9 decks
+54.1% synergy
Daring Waverider
55.56% of 9 decks
+49.91% synergy
Otterball Antics
55.56% of 9 decks
+47.08% synergy

Creatures (50)

Treetop Sentries
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.75% synergy
Bark-Knuckle Boxer
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.5% synergy
Scurrid Colony
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.92% synergy
50.0% of 2 decks
+48.76% synergy
Fecund Greenshell
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.25% synergy
Brambleguard Veteran
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.5% synergy
Hugs, Grisly Guardian
50.0% of 2 decks
+48.01% synergy
Curious Forager
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.75% synergy
Rust-Shield Rampager
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.5% synergy
Charging Badger
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.91% synergy
Three Tree Rootweaver
50.0% of 2 decks
+48.76% synergy
Keen-Eyed Curator
50.0% of 2 decks
+48.76% synergy
Bushy Bodyguard
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.75% synergy
Bria, Riptide Rogue
44.44% of 9 decks
+30.56% synergy
Raccoon Rallier
41.67% of 12 decks
+41.4% synergy
Harnesser of Storms
33.33% of 12 decks
+33.07% synergy
33.33% of 9 decks
+31.92% synergy
Azure Beastbinder
33.33% of 9 decks
+32.16% synergy
Brazen Collector
25.0% of 12 decks
+23.94% synergy
Alania's Pathmaker
25.0% of 12 decks
+25.0% synergy
Valley Flamecaller
25.0% of 12 decks
+24.73% synergy
Roughshod Duo
25.0% of 12 decks
+24.73% synergy
Lightshell Duo
22.22% of 9 decks
+18.22% synergy
Thieving Otter
22.22% of 9 decks
+21.75% synergy
Balmor, Battlemage Captain
22.22% of 9 decks
+14.93% synergy
Rapid Augmenter
22.22% of 9 decks
+16.34% synergy
Dour Port-Mage
22.22% of 9 decks
+21.75% synergy
Electrostatic Field
16.67% of 12 decks
+1.59% synergy
Steampath Charger
16.67% of 12 decks
+15.87% synergy
Young Pyromancer
16.67% of 12 decks
-0.86% synergy
16.67% of 12 decks
-10.75% synergy
Whiskerquill Scribe
16.67% of 12 decks
+16.4% synergy
Heartfire Hero
16.67% of 12 decks
+15.6% synergy
Three Tree Mascot
16.67% of 12 decks
+16.13% synergy
Enduring Curiosity
16.67% of 6 decks
+14.36% synergy
Fear of Missing Out
12.5% of 8 decks
+11.0% synergy
Lutri, the Spellchaser
11.11% of 9 decks
+7.9% synergy
Frolicking Familiar // Blow Off Steam
11.11% of 9 decks
+6.49% synergy
Fblthp, Lost on the Range
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.38% synergy
Wee Dragonauts
11.11% of 9 decks
+9.03% synergy
Meneldor, Swift Savior
11.11% of 9 decks
+11.02% synergy
Eddymurk Crab
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.41% synergy
Goblin Electromancer
11.11% of 9 decks
-17.78% synergy
Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
11.11% of 9 decks
+9.59% synergy
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
11.11% of 9 decks
+8.09% synergy
Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration
11.11% of 9 decks
+7.56% synergy
Mocking Sprite
11.11% of 9 decks
+9.5% synergy
Jori En, Ruin Diver
11.11% of 9 decks
+8.38% synergy
Elite Arcanist
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.85% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.88% synergy

Instants (45)

Long River's Pull
55.56% of 9 decks
+52.5% synergy
Pawpatch Formation
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.5% synergy
Band Together
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.09% synergy
Peerless Recycling
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.5% synergy
Giant Growth
50.0% of 2 decks
+46.79% synergy
Into the Flood Maw
44.44% of 9 decks
+39.03% synergy
Rabid Gnaw
41.67% of 12 decks
+41.4% synergy
Blooming Blast
33.33% of 12 decks
+33.07% synergy
Think Twice
33.33% of 9 decks
+31.26% synergy
Run Away Together
33.33% of 9 decks
+32.28% synergy
Dazzling Denial
33.33% of 9 decks
+31.92% synergy
Conduct Electricity
25.0% of 12 decks
+24.73% synergy
25.0% of 12 decks
+10.69% synergy
Might of the Meek
25.0% of 12 decks
+23.67% synergy
22.22% of 9 decks
-13.85% synergy
Dire Downdraft
22.22% of 9 decks
+21.28% synergy
Scorching Dragonfire
16.67% of 12 decks
+14.72% synergy
Chaos Warp
16.67% of 12 decks
-10.63% synergy
Valley Rally
16.67% of 12 decks
+16.67% synergy
Burst Lightning
16.67% of 12 decks
+15.01% synergy
Untimely Malfunction
12.5% of 8 decks
+6.11% synergy
Rapid Hybridization
11.11% of 9 decks
+6.5% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.17% synergy
Izzet Charm
11.11% of 9 decks
-8.63% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+5.53% synergy
Turn // Burn
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.36% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+9.03% synergy
An Offer You Can't Refuse
11.11% of 9 decks
-5.46% synergy
Serpentine Ambush
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.89% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+5.14% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+8.74% synergy
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.22% synergy
Smite the Deathless
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.59% synergy
Thrill of Possibility
8.33% of 12 decks
-13.36% synergy
8.33% of 12 decks
+2.49% synergy
8.33% of 12 decks
+2.54% synergy
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.03% synergy
Samut's Sprint
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.89% synergy
First Day of Class
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.03% synergy
Flare of Duplication
8.33% of 12 decks
+4.04% synergy
Searing Spear
8.33% of 12 decks
+5.59% synergy
8.33% of 12 decks
-19.73% synergy
Felonious Rage
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.88% synergy
Lightning Bolt
8.33% of 12 decks
-43.16% synergy
Lightning Strike
8.33% of 12 decks
-6.07% synergy

Sorceries (29)

Wear Down
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.75% synergy
Rabid Bite
50.0% of 2 decks
+48.1% synergy
Season of Weaving
44.44% of 9 decks
+39.74% synergy
Splash Portal
44.44% of 9 decks
+41.86% synergy
Playful Shove
41.67% of 12 decks
+40.6% synergy
Agate Assault
41.67% of 12 decks
+40.87% synergy
Portent of Calamity
33.33% of 9 decks
+30.75% synergy
Season of the Bold
25.0% of 12 decks
+24.73% synergy
Faithless Looting
16.67% of 12 decks
-19.54% synergy
Jeska's Will
16.67% of 12 decks
-1.54% synergy
Wildfire Howl
16.67% of 12 decks
+16.4% synergy
Blasphemous Act
16.67% of 12 decks
-7.26% synergy
Grab the Prize
12.5% of 8 decks
+4.98% synergy
Calamitous Tide
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.88% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.62% synergy
Mind Spring
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.92% synergy
Chart a Course
11.11% of 9 decks
+6.37% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+3.16% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+9.78% synergy
Glimpse the Future
11.11% of 9 decks
+11.08% synergy
Crash Through
8.33% of 12 decks
+5.24% synergy
Ranger's Firebrand
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.67% synergy
8.33% of 12 decks
+4.41% synergy
Breaking of the Fellowship
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.09% synergy
8.33% of 12 decks
+5.71% synergy
Jagged Lightning
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.33% synergy
Lava Spike
8.33% of 12 decks
-2.11% synergy
Hit the Mother Lode
8.33% of 12 decks
+6.92% synergy
Calamity of Cinders
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.07% synergy

Artifacts (23)

Wishing Well
55.56% of 9 decks
+53.91% synergy
Heaped Harvest
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.75% synergy
Arcane Signet
25.0% of 12 decks
-3.07% synergy
Patchwork Banner
25.0% of 12 decks
+24.47% synergy
Izzet Signet
22.22% of 9 decks
-21.22% synergy
Talisman of Creativity
22.22% of 9 decks
-13.65% synergy
Fountainport Bell
16.67% of 12 decks
+16.13% synergy
Izzet Cluestone
11.11% of 9 decks
+9.03% synergy
Forger's Foundry
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.38% synergy
The Belligerent
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.6% synergy
The Everflowing Well // The Myriad Pools
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.73% synergy
Izzet Locket
11.11% of 9 decks
+7.25% synergy
Commander's Sphere
8.33% of 12 decks
+3.52% synergy
Sapphire Medallion
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.33% synergy
Inscribed Tablet
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.17% synergy
Rolling Hamsphere
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.07% synergy
Umezawa's Jitte
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.22% synergy
Sword of the Squeak
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.33% synergy
Diamond Pick-Axe
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.15% synergy
Chromatic Lantern
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.19% synergy
Hero's Heirloom
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.29% synergy
Bumbleflower's Sharepot
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.33% synergy
Vanquisher's Axe
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.29% synergy

Enchantments (25)

Hunter's Talent
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.0% synergy
Innkeeper's Talent
50.0% of 2 decks
+45.77% synergy
Rhythm of the Wild
50.0% of 2 decks
+20.99% synergy
Stocking the Pantry
50.0% of 2 decks
+49.5% synergy
War Squeak
41.67% of 12 decks
+41.13% synergy
Artist's Talent
41.67% of 12 decks
+35.02% synergy
Hoarder's Overflow
25.0% of 12 decks
+24.73% synergy
Festival of Embers
25.0% of 12 decks
+24.2% synergy
Gossip's Talent
22.22% of 9 decks
+21.52% synergy
Case of the Ransacked Lab
22.22% of 9 decks
+16.39% synergy
Bottomless Pool // Locker Room
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.28% synergy
16.67% of 12 decks
+16.37% synergy
Blacksmith's Talent
16.67% of 12 decks
+16.13% synergy
Glassworks // Shattered Yard
12.5% of 8 decks
+11.75% synergy
Sugar Coat
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.17% synergy
Thousand-Year Storm
11.11% of 9 decks
-0.71% synergy
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.88% synergy
Wizard Class
11.11% of 9 decks
+8.79% synergy
Quiet Contemplation
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.98% synergy
Fortune Teller's Talent
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.64% synergy
There and Back Again
8.33% of 12 decks
+6.44% synergy
Mana Flare
8.33% of 12 decks
+6.47% synergy
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.96% synergy
The Sound of Drums
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.22% synergy
Fiery Inscription
8.33% of 12 decks
+1.98% synergy

Planeswalkers (1)

Samut, Tyrant Smasher
50.0% of 2 decks
+47.9% synergy

Lands (27)

Rockfall Vale
50.0% of 2 decks
+22.9% synergy
Lilypad Village
44.44% of 9 decks
+39.97% synergy
Shivan Reef
44.44% of 9 decks
+2.11% synergy
Uncharted Haven
41.67% of 12 decks
+41.67% synergy
Sulfur Falls
33.33% of 9 decks
-11.11% synergy
Hidden Grotto
33.33% of 12 decks
+32.27% synergy
Swiftwater Cliffs
33.33% of 9 decks
+18.92% synergy
Command Tower
25.0% of 12 decks
+23.91% synergy
25.0% of 12 decks
+23.94% synergy
Evolving Wilds
25.0% of 12 decks
+22.02% synergy
Temple of Epiphany
22.22% of 9 decks
-2.42% synergy
Eroded Canyon
22.22% of 9 decks
+15.82% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
16.67% of 12 decks
+14.39% synergy
Three Tree City
16.67% of 12 decks
+15.87% synergy
Cascade Bluffs
11.11% of 9 decks
-12.59% synergy
Steam Vents
11.11% of 9 decks
-40.12% synergy
Frostboil Snarl
11.11% of 9 decks
-8.31% synergy
Ferrous Lake
11.11% of 9 decks
-1.35% synergy
Thriving Isle
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.19% synergy
Spirebluff Canal
11.11% of 9 decks
-9.51% synergy
Training Center
11.11% of 9 decks
-13.67% synergy
Izzet Guildgate
11.11% of 9 decks
+0.27% synergy
Thundering Falls
11.11% of 9 decks
-5.63% synergy
Fabled Passage
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.12% synergy
Thriving Bluff
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.33% synergy
Crystal Grotto
8.33% of 12 decks
+8.09% synergy
Path of Ancestry
8.33% of 12 decks
+7.57% synergy
Generated 2025-01-17 17:57:28