Vogar, Necropolis Tyrant (Card)

In 14 decks
0.12% of 11892 decks
Average Type Distribution
Creatures (20)
Instants (3)
Sorceries (5)
Artifacts (3)
Enchantments (3)
Planeswalkers (1)
Lands (23)
Non-Basic Lands (4)

Top Oathbreakers (10)

Sorin Markov
2.0% of 50 decks
Liliana, Untouched by Death
1.61% of 124 decks
Liliana, the Last Hope
1.44% of 139 decks
Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted
1.37% of 73 decks
Liliana, Death's Majesty
1.29% of 155 decks
Liliana, Dreadhorde General
1.27% of 158 decks
Liliana, Waker of the Dead
1.27% of 79 decks
Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord
0.44% of 225 decks
Liliana of the Veil
0.34% of 296 decks
Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God
0.09% of 1091 decks

Top Signature Spells (11)

25.0% of 4 decks
Empty the Pits
20.0% of 5 decks
Olivia's Wrath
10.0% of 10 decks
Pile On
8.33% of 12 decks
Rise of the Dark Realms
4.76% of 21 decks
Dark Salvation
3.7% of 27 decks
Dark Deal
1.25% of 80 decks
Liliana's Triumph
1.0% of 201 decks
0.43% of 234 decks
Lightning Bolt
0.37% of 271 decks
The Elderspell
0.1% of 1001 decks

High Synergy Cards (10)

Champion of the Perished
50.0% of 14 decks
+40.62% synergy
Wand of Orcus
42.86% of 14 decks
+40.32% synergy
Lord of the Accursed
50.0% of 14 decks
+38.62% synergy
Lord of the Undead
42.86% of 14 decks
+36.29% synergy
Josu Vess, Lich Knight
35.71% of 14 decks
+31.49% synergy
Diregraf Colossus
42.86% of 14 decks
+31.21% synergy
Endless Ranks of the Dead
35.71% of 14 decks
+26.61% synergy
Liliana's Mastery
35.71% of 14 decks
+26.18% synergy
35.71% of 14 decks
+26.06% synergy
Grave Titan
35.71% of 14 decks
+24.57% synergy

Top Cards (10)

Homura, Human Ascendant // Homura's Essence
100.0% of 1 deck
+100.0% synergy
Gisa, the Hellraiser
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.21% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.82% synergy
Prized Amalgam
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.61% synergy
Slave of Bolas
100.0% of 1 deck
+91.36% synergy
Falcon Abomination
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.87% synergy
Glamorous Outlaw
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.27% synergy
Havengul Lich
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.22% synergy
Geyadrone Dihada
100.0% of 1 deck
+92.45% synergy
Marchesa, the Black Rose
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.62% synergy

Creatures (50)

Death Baron
35.71% of 14 decks
+23.4% synergy
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
35.71% of 14 decks
+0.02% synergy
Cemetery Reaper
28.57% of 14 decks
+18.37% synergy
Carrion Feeder
28.57% of 14 decks
+18.25% synergy
Murderous Rider // Swift End
28.57% of 14 decks
+10.87% synergy
Fell Horseman // Deathly Ride
25.0% of 4 decks
+23.97% synergy
21.43% of 14 decks
+7.2% synergy
Liliana's Reaver
21.43% of 14 decks
+15.17% synergy
Relentless Dead
21.43% of 14 decks
+15.02% synergy
Ghoulcaller Gisa
21.43% of 14 decks
+16.35% synergy
Geth, Lord of the Vault
21.43% of 14 decks
+20.14% synergy
Fleshbag Marauder
21.43% of 14 decks
+11.23% synergy
Archghoul of Thraben
21.43% of 14 decks
+17.56% synergy
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
21.43% of 14 decks
+16.39% synergy
Tainted Adversary
21.43% of 14 decks
+18.39% synergy
Eternal Taskmaster
14.29% of 14 decks
+12.02% synergy
Undead Augur
14.29% of 14 decks
+5.89% synergy
Maalfeld Twins
14.29% of 14 decks
+13.89% synergy
Blood Artist
14.29% of 14 decks
-2.95% synergy
Headless Rider
14.29% of 14 decks
+7.51% synergy
Bone Miser
14.29% of 14 decks
+11.26% synergy
Smothering Abomination
14.29% of 14 decks
+13.27% synergy
Plague Belcher
14.29% of 14 decks
+8.66% synergy
Gavony Unhallowed
14.29% of 14 decks
+13.86% synergy
Stitcher's Supplier
14.29% of 14 decks
+7.8% synergy
Fell Stinger
14.29% of 14 decks
+11.24% synergy
Ebondeath, Dracolich
14.29% of 14 decks
+12.24% synergy
Crow of Dark Tidings
14.29% of 14 decks
+13.31% synergy
Doomed Dissenter
14.29% of 14 decks
+10.02% synergy
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
14.29% of 14 decks
+11.16% synergy
Vizier of the Scorpion
14.29% of 14 decks
+11.43% synergy
Undead Warchief
14.29% of 14 decks
+7.21% synergy
Gifted Aetherborn
14.29% of 14 decks
+4.12% synergy
Scourge of Nel Toth
14.29% of 14 decks
+12.06% synergy
Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia
14.29% of 14 decks
+6.27% synergy
Compleated Huntmaster
11.11% of 9 decks
+10.58% synergy
Catacomb Dragon
7.14% of 14 decks
+7.1% synergy
Liliana's Specter
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.02% synergy
Smokespew Invoker
7.14% of 14 decks
+7.06% synergy
Diregraf Horde
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.64% synergy
Liliana, Heretical Healer // Liliana, Defiant Necromancer
7.14% of 14 decks
-0.79% synergy
Demon of Catastrophes
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.56% synergy
Grim Haruspex
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.84% synergy
Crypt Ghast
7.14% of 14 decks
-16.74% synergy
Creeping Bloodsucker
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.02% synergy
Noxious Ghoul
7.14% of 14 decks
+3.62% synergy
Tormod, the Desecrator
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.82% synergy
Mire Triton
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.76% synergy
Geralf's Messenger
7.14% of 14 decks
+3.55% synergy
Loyal Subordinate
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.27% synergy

Instants (31)

Flip the Switch
100.0% of 1 deck
+100.0% synergy
Disdainful Stroke
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.26% synergy
Infernal Grasp
21.43% of 14 decks
+10.06% synergy
Liliana's Triumph
21.43% of 14 decks
+9.42% synergy
14.29% of 14 decks
+6.98% synergy
Go for the Throat
14.29% of 14 decks
-1.04% synergy
Village Rites
14.29% of 14 decks
+1.6% synergy
Hero's Downfall
14.29% of 14 decks
-5.96% synergy
Tragic Slip
14.29% of 14 decks
+6.0% synergy
Vampiric Tutor
14.29% of 14 decks
-1.0% synergy
Deadly Plot
14.29% of 14 decks
+12.93% synergy
Oblivion's Hunger
7.14% of 14 decks
+7.01% synergy
Rise of the Dread Marn
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.83% synergy
Ashnod's Intervention
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.81% synergy
Fatal Push
7.14% of 14 decks
+1.75% synergy
Doom Blade
7.14% of 14 decks
+0.18% synergy
7.14% of 14 decks
+3.65% synergy
Malakir Rebirth // Malakir Mire
7.14% of 14 decks
+0.89% synergy
Drag to the Underworld
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.55% synergy
Professor's Warning
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.57% synergy
Cut Down
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.77% synergy
Coffin Purge
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.99% synergy
Feign Death
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.85% synergy
Songs of the Damned
7.14% of 14 decks
+3.55% synergy
Bleed Dry
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.78% synergy
Urge to Feed
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.84% synergy
7.14% of 14 decks
-1.11% synergy
Abnormal Endurance
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.95% synergy
Supernatural Stamina
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.4% synergy
Baleful Mastery
7.14% of 14 decks
-2.82% synergy
Umbral Juke
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.84% synergy

Sorceries (47)

28.57% of 14 decks
+11.33% synergy
21.43% of 14 decks
+6.26% synergy
Sign in Blood
21.43% of 14 decks
-3.98% synergy
Army of the Damned
21.43% of 14 decks
+15.56% synergy
Ghoulcaller's Chant
14.29% of 14 decks
+12.92% synergy
Read the Bones
14.29% of 14 decks
+3.5% synergy
Crawl from the Cellar
14.29% of 14 decks
+13.56% synergy
The Elderspell
14.29% of 14 decks
-10.98% synergy
Feed the Swarm
14.29% of 14 decks
-9.91% synergy
Dread Summons
7.14% of 14 decks
+3.98% synergy
Aid the Fallen
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.77% synergy
Peer into the Abyss
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.14% synergy
Call to the Netherworld
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.48% synergy
Rise from the Grave
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.66% synergy
Decree of Pain
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.93% synergy
From Under the Floorboards
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.54% synergy
Bad Deal
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.67% synergy
Cauldron's Gift
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.98% synergy
Atrocious Experiment
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.2% synergy
Beacon of Unrest
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.11% synergy
Aim for the Head
7.14% of 14 decks
+7.01% synergy
Fraying Omnipotence
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.28% synergy
Raise Dead
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.71% synergy
Moan of the Unhallowed
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.56% synergy
Black Sun's Zenith
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.88% synergy
Vicious Rumors
7.14% of 14 decks
+0.85% synergy
Gisa's Bidding
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.32% synergy
Zombie Apocalypse
7.14% of 14 decks
+3.94% synergy
Liliana's Scorn
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.89% synergy
Cemetery Recruitment
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.76% synergy
Price of Betrayal
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.45% synergy
Dark Salvation
7.14% of 14 decks
+3.16% synergy
Liliana's Influence
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.79% synergy
Demonic Tutor
7.14% of 14 decks
-12.95% synergy
Toll of the Invasion
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.28% synergy
Necromantic Selection
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.44% synergy
Gix's Command
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.28% synergy
Necrotic Hex
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.59% synergy
Bone Shards
7.14% of 14 decks
+0.3% synergy
7.14% of 14 decks
+7.03% synergy
Skull Fracture
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.99% synergy
Feast of Succession
7.14% of 14 decks
+7.06% synergy
Foreboding Fruit
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.53% synergy
7.14% of 14 decks
-3.33% synergy
Ever After
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.63% synergy
Bleeding Edge
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.56% synergy
Flay Essence
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.8% synergy

Artifacts (23)

Jet Medallion
35.71% of 14 decks
+9.99% synergy
Charcoal Diamond
21.43% of 14 decks
+5.32% synergy
Arcane Signet
21.43% of 14 decks
-7.42% synergy
Crowded Crypt
14.29% of 14 decks
+10.53% synergy
Door of Destinies
14.29% of 14 decks
+13.03% synergy
Whip of Erebos
14.29% of 14 decks
+9.16% synergy
Bontu's Monument
14.29% of 14 decks
+3.07% synergy
Ghoulcaller's Bell
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.99% synergy
Eldrazi Monument
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.87% synergy
Obelisk of Urd
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.79% synergy
The Book of Vile Darkness
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.7% synergy
Dross Skullbomb
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.67% synergy
Dolmen Gate
7.14% of 14 decks
+7.06% synergy
Gauntlet of Power
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.23% synergy
Geth's Grimoire
7.14% of 14 decks
+0.07% synergy
Throne of the God-Pharaoh
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.83% synergy
Howling Mine
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.64% synergy
Basilisk Collar
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.71% synergy
Bolas's Citadel
7.14% of 14 decks
+0.89% synergy
Mystic Skull // Mystic Monstrosity
7.14% of 14 decks
+7.14% synergy
Gisa's Favorite Shovel
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.84% synergy
Sword of Truth and Justice
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.92% synergy
Vanquisher's Banner
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.66% synergy

Enchantments (29)

Dreadhorde Invasion
21.43% of 14 decks
+13.37% synergy
Call to the Grave
14.29% of 14 decks
+12.84% synergy
Grave Betrayal
14.29% of 14 decks
+13.31% synergy
Waste Not
14.29% of 14 decks
-0.92% synergy
Bad Moon
14.29% of 14 decks
+12.17% synergy
Open the Graves
14.29% of 14 decks
+10.42% synergy
Liliana's Talent
11.11% of 9 decks
+5.69% synergy
Cover of Darkness
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.36% synergy
Grave Pact
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.61% synergy
Feast on the Fallen
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.99% synergy
Vow of Torment
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.76% synergy
7.14% of 14 decks
-3.02% synergy
Necromancer's Stockpile
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.09% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
7.14% of 14 decks
-12.44% synergy
Unspeakable Symbol
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.75% synergy
7.14% of 14 decks
+1.08% synergy
Demonic Embrace
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.42% synergy
Revel in Riches
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.32% synergy
Dying to Serve
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.92% synergy
Phyrexian Reclamation
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.09% synergy
Ghoulish Procession
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.38% synergy
Creeping Dread
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.66% synergy
Oath of Liliana
7.14% of 14 decks
+3.12% synergy
Graf Harvest
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.96% synergy
Blight Mound
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.52% synergy
Zombie Infestation
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.85% synergy
Quest for the Nihil Stone
7.14% of 14 decks
+1.28% synergy
Quest for the Gravelord
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.36% synergy
Bastion of Remembrance
7.14% of 14 decks
+0.28% synergy

Planeswalkers (11)

Liliana, Death's Majesty
21.43% of 14 decks
+15.99% synergy
Liliana, Dreadhorde General
21.43% of 14 decks
+14.98% synergy
Liliana, Untouched by Death
14.29% of 14 decks
+11.2% synergy
Liliana, the Last Hope
14.29% of 14 decks
+11.78% synergy
Liliana of the Dark Realms
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.33% synergy
Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.18% synergy
Liliana Vess
7.14% of 14 decks
+3.78% synergy
Liliana, Death Wielder
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.6% synergy
Liliana, Death Mage
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.29% synergy
Liliana of the Veil
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.3% synergy
Liliana, Waker of the Dead
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.46% synergy

Lands (35)

100.0% of 1 deck
+99.33% synergy
Sulfur Vent
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.7% synergy
Tresserhorn Sinks
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.42% synergy
Drowned Catacomb
100.0% of 1 deck
+60.02% synergy
Cabal Coffers
42.86% of 14 decks
+2.0% synergy
Bojuka Bog
28.57% of 14 decks
+2.97% synergy
Crypt of Agadeem
21.43% of 14 decks
+15.64% synergy
Castle Locthwain
21.43% of 14 decks
+5.4% synergy
Reliquary Tower
21.43% of 14 decks
+15.8% synergy
Phyrexian Tower
21.43% of 14 decks
+10.56% synergy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
21.43% of 14 decks
-7.66% synergy
Cabal Stronghold
14.29% of 14 decks
-11.75% synergy
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
14.29% of 14 decks
+4.33% synergy
Witch's Cottage
14.29% of 14 decks
+0.49% synergy
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
14.29% of 14 decks
-3.31% synergy
Karn's Bastion
14.29% of 14 decks
+5.84% synergy
Drannith Ruins
12.5% of 8 decks
+12.35% synergy
Shizo, Death's Storehouse
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.23% synergy
Temple of the False God
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.37% synergy
Demolition Field
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.12% synergy
The Dross Pits
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.11% synergy
Myriad Landscape
7.14% of 14 decks
-2.47% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.7% synergy
Barren Moor
7.14% of 14 decks
-1.38% synergy
Tomb Fortress
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.61% synergy
Strip Mine
7.14% of 14 decks
+5.07% synergy
War Room
7.14% of 14 decks
+2.58% synergy
Cavern of Souls
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.6% synergy
Hostile Hostel // Creeping Inn
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.87% synergy
Spawning Pool
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.83% synergy
Hive of the Eye Tyrant
7.14% of 14 decks
+3.9% synergy
Throne of the High City
7.14% of 14 decks
+6.99% synergy
High Market
7.14% of 14 decks
+4.72% synergy
Pillar of the Paruns
7.14% of 14 decks
+7.14% synergy
Labyrinth of Skophos
7.14% of 14 decks
+7.02% synergy
Generated 2025-01-17 17:09:16