Suffer the Past (Signature Spell)

2 decks
Rank #161
As Card

Average Type Distribution
Creatures (22)
Instants (2)
Sorceries (2)
Artifacts (3)
Enchantments (5)
Planeswalkers (0)
Lands (24)
Non-Basic Lands (3)

Top Oathbreakers (1)

Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath
5.56% of 36 decks

Top Cards (10)

Sanguine Bond
100.0% of 2 decks
+94.96% synergy
Force of Despair
100.0% of 2 decks
+97.15% synergy
Hero's Downfall
100.0% of 2 decks
+79.75% synergy
Erebos, God of the Dead
100.0% of 2 decks
+96.33% synergy
Wound Reflection
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.1% synergy
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
100.0% of 2 decks
+94.96% synergy
Dire Fleet Ravager
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.69% synergy
Kokusho, the Evening Star
100.0% of 2 decks
+97.42% synergy
Twilight Prophet
100.0% of 2 decks
+95.66% synergy
Bontu's Monument
100.0% of 2 decks
+88.78% synergy

Creatures (17)

Ammit Eternal
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.06% synergy
Wall of Limbs
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.77% synergy
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
100.0% of 2 decks
+64.31% synergy
Massacre Wurm
100.0% of 2 decks
+93.43% synergy
Falkenrath Noble
100.0% of 2 decks
+96.36% synergy
Asylum Visitor
100.0% of 2 decks
+93.59% synergy
Ob Nixilis, Unshackled
100.0% of 2 decks
+98.59% synergy
Blood Seeker
100.0% of 2 decks
+97.07% synergy
Defiant Bloodlord
100.0% of 2 decks
+98.05% synergy
Magus of the Mirror
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.77% synergy
Chancellor of the Dross
100.0% of 2 decks
+97.93% synergy
Blood Artist
100.0% of 2 decks
+82.76% synergy
Torgaar, Famine Incarnate
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.34% synergy
Archfiend of Despair
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.14% synergy
Massacre Girl
100.0% of 2 decks
+95.85% synergy
Bontu the Glorified
100.0% of 2 decks
+98.98% synergy
Priest of Forgotten Gods
100.0% of 2 decks
+95.78% synergy

Sorceries (2)

Bontu's Last Reckoning
100.0% of 2 decks
+98.71% synergy
100.0% of 2 decks
+82.76% synergy

Artifacts (2)

Charcoal Diamond
100.0% of 2 decks
+83.89% synergy
Jet Medallion
100.0% of 2 decks
+74.28% synergy

Enchantments (3)

100.0% of 2 decks
+93.94% synergy
Exquisite Blood
100.0% of 2 decks
+95.0% synergy
Breeding Pit
100.0% of 2 decks
+99.77% synergy

Lands (3)

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
100.0% of 2 decks
+70.91% synergy
Cabal Stronghold
100.0% of 2 decks
+73.96% synergy
Cabal Coffers
100.0% of 2 decks
+59.15% synergy
Generated 2025-01-17 17:34:58