Vintage Format Cards
Top 100 Cards
Trending Cards
Cabal Therapy (Card) Sections
New Cards
High Synergy Cards
Top Cards
Cabal Therapy (Card)
In 1018 decks
4.37% of 23316 decks
New Cards (5)
Foreboding Landscape
8.13% of 209 decks
+1.63% synergy
Boggart Trawler // Boggart Bog
7.12% of 309 decks
+4.52% synergy
Shattered Landscape
6.35% of 63 decks
-2.56% synergy
Zimone, Mystery Unraveler
6.06% of 33 decks
+3.46% synergy
Wildfire Wickerfolk
5.88% of 17 decks
+1.88% synergy
High Synergy Cards (10)
70.19% of 718 decks
+69.66% synergy
Golgari Grave-Troll
40.05% of 784 decks
+36.27% synergy
Bridge from Below
36.35% of 1018 decks
+36.2% synergy
Dread Return
36.44% of 1018 decks
+34.96% synergy
Mox Pearl
37.18% of 433 decks
+33.51% synergy
Prized Amalgam
34.12% of 718 decks
+33.39% synergy
Shambling Shell
34.57% of 784 decks
+31.85% synergy
Stinkweed Imp
32.02% of 1018 decks
+31.18% synergy
Golgari Thug
31.24% of 1018 decks
+30.96% synergy
28.09% of 1018 decks
+27.95% synergy
Top Cards (10)
Force of Will
42.9% of 718 decks
+11.36% synergy
Mental Misstep
38.16% of 718 decks
+9.52% synergy
Gitaxian Probe
27.86% of 718 decks
-2.65% synergy
Faithless Looting
27.45% of 561 decks
+8.93% synergy
Mox Ruby
26.02% of 561 decks
+21.96% synergy
Thassa's Oracle
25.91% of 718 decks
+0.84% synergy
Mox Sapphire
24.79% of 718 decks
-4.93% synergy
Mox Emerald
24.74% of 784 decks
+20.61% synergy
23.97% of 1018 decks
+21.15% synergy
Dark Ritual
23.18% of 1018 decks
-36.87% synergy
Creatures (50)
Hollow One
21.41% of 1018 decks
+21.34% synergy
Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
20.66% of 784 decks
+16.17% synergy
Chancellor of the Annex
19.63% of 433 decks
+19.19% synergy
Balustrade Spy
15.82% of 1018 decks
+15.6% synergy
Undercity Informer
12.77% of 1018 decks
+12.7% synergy
Flame-Kin Zealot
10.77% of 297 decks
+9.42% synergy
10.12% of 1018 decks
+10.05% synergy
Street Wraith
9.63% of 1018 decks
+7.93% synergy
Simian Spirit Guide
9.63% of 561 decks
+4.48% synergy
Young Pyromancer
9.27% of 561 decks
+5.12% synergy
Dragon's Rage Channeler
8.91% of 561 decks
+2.93% synergy
Hermit Druid
7.91% of 784 decks
+6.61% synergy
Stitcher's Supplier
7.86% of 1018 decks
+5.95% synergy
Duskana, the Rage Mother
7.52% of 133 decks
+7.52% synergy
Elvish Spirit Guide
7.27% of 784 decks
+4.67% synergy
Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger
7.13% of 561 decks
-1.42% synergy
Dreadhorde Arcanist
6.42% of 561 decks
+2.26% synergy
Bloodtithe Harvester
5.88% of 561 decks
-4.58% synergy
5.6% of 1018 decks
+5.6% synergy
Wild Cantor
5.56% of 432 decks
+3.66% synergy
Ashen Rider
5.54% of 433 decks
+4.21% synergy
Ox of Agonas
5.35% of 561 decks
+4.1% synergy
Veteran Explorer
5.23% of 784 decks
+4.4% synergy
5.21% of 1018 decks
+3.02% synergy
Deathrite Shaman
4.97% of 784 decks
-3.06% synergy
Flayer of the Hatebound
4.81% of 561 decks
+3.48% synergy
4.62% of 1018 decks
+2.57% synergy
Snarling Gorehound
4.55% of 594 decks
+3.92% synergy
Collector Ouphe
4.46% of 784 decks
+3.4% synergy
Nomads en-Kor
4.39% of 433 decks
+4.05% synergy
Amped Raptor
4.38% of 137 decks
-2.53% synergy
Atraxa, Grand Unifier
4.33% of 277 decks
-13.13% synergy
Rubblebelt Maverick
4.28% of 467 decks
-0.53% synergy
Ratchet, Field Medic // Ratchet, Rescue Racer
4.23% of 426 decks
+4.23% synergy
Basking Rootwalla
4.21% of 784 decks
+3.85% synergy
Archfiend's Vessel
4.13% of 1018 decks
+2.86% synergy
Blazing Rootwalla
4.1% of 561 decks
+1.94% synergy
Putrid Imp
3.93% of 1018 decks
+3.51% synergy
3.83% of 784 decks
+3.24% synergy
3.74% of 561 decks
+0.09% synergy
Geralf, the Fleshwright
3.67% of 327 decks
+3.33% synergy
Laboratory Maniac
3.62% of 718 decks
+2.0% synergy
Baleful Strix
3.48% of 718 decks
-7.85% synergy
Psychic Frog
3.48% of 230 decks
-4.58% synergy
Lurrus of the Dream-Den
3.46% of 433 decks
-3.44% synergy
Troll of Khazad-dûm
3.44% of 843 decks
+0.59% synergy
Terror of the Peaks
3.39% of 561 decks
+2.64% synergy
Lotleth Giant
3.34% of 1018 decks
+2.92% synergy
Lavinia, Azorius Renegade
3.29% of 334 decks
-9.84% synergy
Bedlam Reveler
3.21% of 561 decks
+2.71% synergy
Instants (50)
Noxious Revival
22.7% of 784 decks
+22.23% synergy
Ancestral Recall
22.28% of 718 decks
-6.99% synergy
Force of Negation
20.89% of 718 decks
-0.0% synergy
Lightning Bolt
18.36% of 561 decks
-16.69% synergy
Pact of Negation
14.21% of 718 decks
+12.34% synergy
13.65% of 718 decks
-28.09% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
12.47% of 433 decks
-14.25% synergy
Once Upon a Time
9.57% of 784 decks
+5.55% synergy
Vampiric Tutor
7.96% of 1018 decks
-0.72% synergy
Dig Through Time
6.13% of 718 decks
-30.36% synergy
Otherworldly Gaze
5.85% of 718 decks
+5.06% synergy
Unholy Heat
5.7% of 561 decks
+2.38% synergy
Fell the Profane // Fell Mire
5.5% of 309 decks
+4.06% synergy
Sink into Stupor // Soporific Springs
5.22% of 230 decks
+3.66% synergy
Galvanic Discharge
5.11% of 137 decks
-1.8% synergy
Force of Vigor
4.97% of 784 decks
+4.03% synergy
Kolaghan's Command
4.81% of 561 decks
-3.83% synergy
Spell Pierce
4.6% of 718 decks
-4.43% synergy
Village Rites
3.93% of 1018 decks
+0.12% synergy
3.9% of 718 decks
+3.9% synergy
3.57% of 561 decks
-14.04% synergy
Memory's Journey
3.37% of 653 decks
+3.13% synergy
Chain of Vapor
3.34% of 718 decks
+0.74% synergy
3.06% of 718 decks
-15.52% synergy
Mystical Tutor
2.92% of 718 decks
-25.57% synergy
2.65% of 718 decks
-23.49% synergy
Frantic Search
2.65% of 718 decks
+0.34% synergy
2.65% of 718 decks
+0.88% synergy
2.55% of 1018 decks
-0.13% synergy
Cabal Ritual
2.46% of 1018 decks
-0.51% synergy
2.37% of 718 decks
-1.26% synergy
Fatal Push
2.26% of 1018 decks
-1.2% synergy
Vision Charm
2.23% of 718 decks
+1.74% synergy
2.14% of 561 decks
-2.18% synergy
Mindbreak Trap
2.09% of 718 decks
+0.27% synergy
2.09% of 718 decks
-24.25% synergy
Demonic Consultation
2.06% of 1018 decks
+0.3% synergy
Power Word Kill
2.06% of 1018 decks
-0.55% synergy
Eladamri's Call
1.96% of 357 decks
-2.18% synergy
Shrapnel Blast
1.96% of 561 decks
+0.3% synergy
1.95% of 718 decks
-18.75% synergy
Thought Scour
1.95% of 718 decks
-3.15% synergy
Brain Freeze
1.95% of 718 decks
+1.31% synergy
Crop Rotation
1.79% of 784 decks
-2.94% synergy
Worldly Tutor
1.79% of 784 decks
-1.17% synergy
Lightning Helix
1.68% of 297 decks
-4.85% synergy
Muddle the Mixture
1.67% of 718 decks
+0.0% synergy
Enlightened Tutor
1.62% of 433 decks
-4.51% synergy
Faithless Salvaging
1.6% of 561 decks
+0.86% synergy
Seed of Hope
1.57% of 699 decks
-0.35% synergy
Sorceries (50)
Creeping Chill
18.37% of 1018 decks
+18.3% synergy
Demonic Tutor
17.49% of 1018 decks
-4.04% synergy
Inquisition of Kozilek
16.99% of 1018 decks
-3.33% synergy
11.84% of 718 decks
+6.74% synergy
Sea Gate Restoration // Sea Gate, Reborn
11.0% of 718 decks
+10.61% synergy
Time Walk
10.86% of 718 decks
-17.43% synergy
10.12% of 1018 decks
+5.39% synergy
Agadeem's Awakening // Agadeem, the Undercrypt
9.14% of 1018 decks
+8.43% synergy
Hymn to Tourach
8.55% of 1018 decks
-24.2% synergy
Lingering Souls
8.08% of 433 decks
-2.27% synergy
8.08% of 718 decks
+7.93% synergy
7.56% of 1018 decks
-4.72% synergy
6.96% of 718 decks
-27.42% synergy
Careful Study
6.82% of 718 decks
+6.09% synergy
Malevolent Rumble
5.24% of 248 decks
-1.68% synergy
Flare of Cultivation
4.84% of 248 decks
+3.54% synergy
4.81% of 1018 decks
-2.17% synergy
4.81% of 1018 decks
-0.76% synergy
4.6% of 718 decks
-25.76% synergy
Treasure Cruise
4.46% of 718 decks
-19.04% synergy
4.16% of 433 decks
+0.37% synergy
Rise // Fall
4.14% of 145 decks
-7.16% synergy
Green Sun's Zenith
4.08% of 784 decks
+1.13% synergy
Lórien Revealed
3.21% of 591 decks
+0.14% synergy
3.0% of 433 decks
-7.8% synergy
Beseech the Mirror
2.87% of 767 decks
+1.94% synergy
Collective Brutality
2.85% of 1018 decks
+2.07% synergy
Molten Collapse
2.7% of 371 decks
-0.29% synergy
Bone Shards
2.65% of 1018 decks
+0.96% synergy
Merchant Scroll
2.65% of 718 decks
+1.47% synergy
Yawgmoth's Will
2.55% of 1018 decks
-0.97% synergy
Step Through
2.37% of 718 decks
+2.32% synergy
2.36% of 1018 decks
+1.44% synergy
Life from the Loam
2.3% of 784 decks
-0.9% synergy
Pelakka Predation // Pelakka Caverns
2.26% of 1018 decks
+1.77% synergy
Bloodsoaked Insight // Sanguine Morass
2.19% of 137 decks
+0.87% synergy
Buried Alive
2.16% of 1018 decks
+0.11% synergy
Innocent Blood
2.16% of 1018 decks
-4.05% synergy
Zof Consumption // Zof Bloodbog
1.87% of 1018 decks
+1.65% synergy
Turntimber Symbiosis // Turntimber, Serpentine Wood
1.79% of 784 decks
+1.43% synergy
Commune with the Gods
1.79% of 784 decks
-0.7% synergy
Life // Death
1.79% of 784 decks
-0.46% synergy
Cathartic Reunion
1.78% of 561 decks
-0.04% synergy
Imperial Seal
1.77% of 1018 decks
+0.0% synergy
1.77% of 1018 decks
+1.13% synergy
Deep Analysis
1.67% of 718 decks
+0.54% synergy
Tome Scour
1.53% of 718 decks
-0.28% synergy
Living Wish
1.53% of 784 decks
+0.47% synergy
1.47% of 1018 decks
+0.7% synergy
Sundering Eruption // Volcanic Fissure
1.46% of 137 decks
-1.17% synergy
Artifacts (50)
Serum Powder
21.22% of 1018 decks
+21.15% synergy
Black Lotus
20.33% of 1018 decks
+15.89% synergy
Sol Ring
19.84% of 1018 decks
-3.09% synergy
Mox Jet
19.25% of 1018 decks
+14.03% synergy
Lotus Petal
16.9% of 1018 decks
+13.09% synergy
Mana Crypt
13.26% of 1018 decks
+11.64% synergy
Chrome Mox
11.49% of 1018 decks
+9.66% synergy
Chalice of the Void
11.3% of 1018 decks
+10.8% synergy
Mana Vault
11.0% of 1018 decks
+9.17% synergy
Mishra's Bauble
7.66% of 1018 decks
+6.53% synergy
Goblin Charbelcher
7.56% of 1018 decks
+7.56% synergy
Lion's Eye Diamond
5.21% of 1018 decks
+5.07% synergy
Implement of Improvement
4.16% of 433 decks
+4.16% synergy
Sensei's Divining Top
3.83% of 1018 decks
+2.56% synergy
Soul-Guide Lantern
2.75% of 1018 decks
+2.04% synergy
2.46% of 1018 decks
-0.51% synergy
Staff of the Storyteller
2.31% of 390 decks
+0.95% synergy
Aether Spellbomb
2.23% of 718 decks
+1.1% synergy
Unstable Amulet
2.19% of 137 decks
-4.72% synergy
The Rack
2.16% of 1018 decks
-10.12% synergy
Mishra's Research Desk
1.98% of 556 decks
+0.62% synergy
Experimental Synthesizer
1.96% of 561 decks
+0.05% synergy
Oni-Cult Anvil
1.96% of 561 decks
-0.61% synergy
Bolas's Citadel
1.57% of 1018 decks
+0.02% synergy
Witch's Oven
1.47% of 1018 decks
+1.26% synergy
1.47% of 1018 decks
+1.4% synergy
Pentad Prism
1.28% of 1018 decks
+1.28% synergy
Mox Opal
1.08% of 1018 decks
+0.8% synergy
Mox Diamond
1.08% of 1018 decks
+0.23% synergy
Nihil Spellbomb
0.98% of 1018 decks
+0.49% synergy
Codex Shredder
0.98% of 1018 decks
+0.56% synergy
Lantern of Insight
0.98% of 1018 decks
+0.63% synergy
Vexing Bauble
0.97% of 309 decks
-1.34% synergy
Azorius Signet
0.9% of 334 decks
-3.85% synergy
Arcum's Astrolabe
0.88% of 1018 decks
+0.67% synergy
The Underworld Cookbook
0.88% of 1018 decks
+0.81% synergy
Timeless Lotus
0.81% of 247 decks
+0.36% synergy
Lightning Greaves
0.79% of 1018 decks
-1.12% synergy
Time Vault
0.79% of 1018 decks
+0.64% synergy
Dimir Signet
0.7% of 718 decks
-9.26% synergy
Orzhov Signet
0.69% of 433 decks
-6.21% synergy
Ghoulcaller's Bell
0.69% of 1018 decks
+0.48% synergy
Manifold Key
0.69% of 1018 decks
+0.55% synergy
Pithing Needle
0.69% of 1018 decks
+0.33% synergy
Decoction Module
0.69% of 1018 decks
+0.69% synergy
Thopter Foundry
0.6% of 334 decks
-12.53% synergy
Selesnya Signet
0.56% of 357 decks
-2.94% synergy
Rakdos Signet
0.53% of 561 decks
-10.26% synergy
Pyrite Spellbomb
0.53% of 561 decks
-1.13% synergy
Izzet Signet
0.5% of 403 decks
-10.84% synergy
Enchantments (50)
Insidious Roots
4.93% of 467 decks
-3.01% synergy
Goblin Bombardment
4.1% of 561 decks
+0.11% synergy
Primal Prayers
2.82% of 248 decks
+2.82% synergy
Animate Dead
2.75% of 1018 decks
-1.77% synergy
They Came from the Pipes
2.63% of 38 decks
+2.63% synergy
Underworld Breach
2.5% of 561 decks
+1.91% synergy
Survival of the Fittest
2.42% of 784 decks
+0.89% synergy
Builder's Talent
1.72% of 58 decks
+1.72% synergy
Caretaker's Talent
1.72% of 58 decks
+1.72% synergy
Sylvan Library
1.66% of 784 decks
-2.72% synergy
Overwhelming Splendor
1.62% of 433 decks
+0.5% synergy
Intangible Virtue
1.62% of 433 decks
-2.28% synergy
Seal of Fire
1.6% of 561 decks
+0.11% synergy
Hidden Stockpile
1.39% of 433 decks
-0.4% synergy
Zombie Infestation
1.38% of 1018 decks
+0.81% synergy
Chthonian Nightmare
1.29% of 309 decks
+0.14% synergy
Skrelv's Hive
1.28% of 390 decks
-0.93% synergy
1.28% of 1018 decks
-6.49% synergy
Yawgmoth's Bargain
1.18% of 1018 decks
-0.37% synergy
Curse of Exhaustion
1.15% of 433 decks
+0.49% synergy
Abiding Grace
1.15% of 433 decks
-0.74% synergy
Glasswing Grace // Age-Graced Chapel
1.12% of 89 decks
+0.14% synergy
Dragon Breath
1.07% of 561 decks
+0.74% synergy
High Noon
1.01% of 99 decks
-3.64% synergy
Bandit's Talent
1.01% of 199 decks
-4.95% synergy
Thran Vigil
1.0% of 1003 decks
+0.85% synergy
Shrieking Affliction
0.98% of 1018 decks
-7.42% synergy
0.97% of 718 decks
+0.53% synergy
Pernicious Deed
0.89% of 784 decks
-2.18% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
0.88% of 1018 decks
-6.1% synergy
Birthing Ritual
0.81% of 248 decks
+0.37% synergy
Waste Not
0.79% of 1018 decks
-3.73% synergy
Touch the Spirit Realm
0.69% of 433 decks
-0.75% synergy
Force of Virtue
0.69% of 433 decks
-0.09% synergy
Leyline Binding
0.69% of 433 decks
+0.69% synergy
Curse of Misfortunes
0.69% of 1018 decks
+0.69% synergy
0.64% of 784 decks
-1.49% synergy
Call of the Ring
0.59% of 843 decks
-0.23% synergy
Dance of the Dead
0.59% of 1018 decks
-0.33% synergy
Torment of Scarabs
0.59% of 1018 decks
+0.38% synergy
Curse of Death's Hold
0.59% of 1018 decks
+0.59% synergy
Bottomless Pit
0.59% of 1018 decks
-1.03% synergy
Curse of Thirst
0.59% of 1018 decks
+0.52% synergy
Cruel Reality
0.59% of 1018 decks
+0.45% synergy
Recurring Nightmare
0.59% of 1018 decks
+0.02% synergy
0.59% of 1018 decks
-0.47% synergy
Leyline of Anticipation
0.56% of 718 decks
-0.57% synergy
Seal from Existence
0.55% of 366 decks
+0.55% synergy
Bitter Reunion
0.54% of 556 decks
+0.03% synergy
Evolutionary Leap
0.51% of 784 decks
-0.79% synergy
Planeswalkers (50)
Oko, Thief of Crowns
3.37% of 653 decks
-16.58% synergy
Grist, the Hunger Tide
3.06% of 784 decks
-0.25% synergy
Teferi, Time Raveler
2.4% of 334 decks
-0.23% synergy
Narset, Parter of Veils
1.39% of 718 decks
-0.62% synergy
Invasion of Azgol // Ashen Reaper
1.23% of 488 decks
+0.14% synergy
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
1.15% of 433 decks
-3.3% synergy
Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler
0.83% of 727 decks
-0.58% synergy
Dack Fayden
0.74% of 403 decks
-4.87% synergy
Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
0.74% of 403 decks
-3.49% synergy
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
0.7% of 718 decks
-1.61% synergy
Wrenn and Six
0.69% of 432 decks
-1.48% synergy
Nahiri, the Harbinger
0.67% of 297 decks
-2.03% synergy
Kaya, Intangible Slayer
0.51% of 390 decks
-1.46% synergy
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
0.5% of 403 decks
-8.72% synergy
Saheeli, Sublime Artificer
0.5% of 403 decks
-0.67% synergy
Karn, the Great Creator
0.49% of 1018 decks
-0.21% synergy
Sorin, Solemn Visitor
0.46% of 433 decks
-3.32% synergy
Elspeth, Sun's Champion
0.46% of 433 decks
-0.99% synergy
Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord
0.46% of 433 decks
-1.32% synergy
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
0.46% of 433 decks
-1.1% synergy
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
0.42% of 718 decks
-0.22% synergy
Jared Carthalion
0.4% of 247 decks
+0.3% synergy
Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage
0.39% of 1018 decks
-5.96% synergy
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
0.39% of 1018 decks
+0.25% synergy
Ob Nixilis, the Adversary
0.36% of 561 decks
-1.22% synergy
Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
0.36% of 561 decks
-0.39% synergy
Dovin Baan
0.3% of 334 decks
-0.0% synergy
Aminatou, the Fateshifter
0.3% of 334 decks
-0.71% synergy
Liliana of the Veil
0.29% of 1018 decks
-3.66% synergy
Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord
0.29% of 1018 decks
-0.34% synergy
Invasion of Ikoria // Zilortha, Apex of Ikoria
0.29% of 699 decks
-0.13% synergy
Ashiok, Dream Render
0.28% of 718 decks
-2.22% synergy
Tezzeret the Seeker
0.28% of 718 decks
-0.36% synergy
Sarkhan Unbroken
0.27% of 370 decks
+0.12% synergy
Vraska, Golgari Queen
0.26% of 784 decks
-1.28% synergy
Vivien on the Hunt
0.26% of 784 decks
+0.26% synergy
Xenagos, the Reveler
0.23% of 432 decks
-1.8% synergy
Kaya, Ghost Assassin
0.23% of 433 decks
-1.33% synergy
Gideon Blackblade
0.23% of 433 decks
+0.12% synergy
The Wandering Emperor
0.23% of 433 decks
-0.66% synergy
Kaya the Inexorable
0.23% of 433 decks
-1.55% synergy
Kaya, Orzhov Usurper
0.23% of 433 decks
-2.33% synergy
Professor Onyx
0.2% of 1018 decks
-0.44% synergy
Liliana Vess
0.2% of 1018 decks
-2.84% synergy
Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast
0.18% of 561 decks
-0.32% synergy
Invasion of Amonkhet // Lazotep Convert
0.16% of 630 decks
-0.35% synergy
Nissa, Steward of Elements
0.15% of 653 decks
-0.27% synergy
Kiora, the Crashing Wave
0.15% of 653 decks
-0.82% synergy
Wrenn and Realmbreaker
0.14% of 699 decks
+0.01% synergy
Tezzeret the Schemer
0.14% of 718 decks
-0.06% synergy
Lands (50)
Bazaar of Baghdad
23.67% of 1018 decks
+23.53% synergy
Foreboding Ruins
19.07% of 561 decks
-8.0% synergy
Smoldering Marsh
13.19% of 561 decks
-10.4% synergy
Underground Sea
12.95% of 718 decks
-21.77% synergy
10.48% of 334 decks
-10.23% synergy
9.52% of 357 decks
-5.13% synergy
Strip Mine
8.94% of 1018 decks
+0.12% synergy
Polluted Delta
8.55% of 1018 decks
+7.98% synergy
Caves of Koilos
8.55% of 433 decks
-15.06% synergy
Tropical Island
8.27% of 653 decks
-20.6% synergy
7.76% of 1018 decks
+3.03% synergy
7.49% of 561 decks
-3.48% synergy
7.4% of 784 decks
-3.0% synergy
Misty Rainforest
7.07% of 1018 decks
+7.07% synergy
Necroblossom Snarl
7.02% of 784 decks
-3.03% synergy
Gemstone Mine
6.39% of 1018 decks
+6.39% synergy
Shineshadow Snarl
6.24% of 433 decks
-6.57% synergy
Volcanic Island
6.2% of 403 decks
-11.59% synergy
Flooded Strand
5.89% of 1018 decks
+5.89% synergy
Llanowar Wastes
5.87% of 784 decks
-9.97% synergy
Deceptive Landscape
5.71% of 70 decks
-0.3% synergy
Concealed Courtyard
5.31% of 433 decks
-9.94% synergy
Verdant Catacombs
5.21% of 1018 decks
+4.92% synergy
Urza's Saga
5.01% of 1018 decks
+3.74% synergy
Fiery Islet
4.96% of 403 decks
+1.89% synergy
4.63% of 432 decks
-6.23% synergy
Choked Estuary
4.6% of 718 decks
-8.89% synergy
Ash Barrens
4.32% of 1018 decks
+4.11% synergy
4.16% of 433 decks
-5.31% synergy
Sunken Hollow
4.04% of 718 decks
-11.65% synergy
Scalding Tarn
4.03% of 1018 decks
+4.03% synergy
Port Town
3.89% of 334 decks
-4.49% synergy
Bloodstained Mire
3.83% of 1018 decks
+3.13% synergy
3.7% of 297 decks
-6.66% synergy
Boseiju, Who Endures
3.44% of 784 decks
-1.17% synergy
Fortified Village
3.36% of 357 decks
-4.92% synergy
Prairie Stream
3.29% of 334 decks
-9.03% synergy
City of Brass
3.24% of 1018 decks
+3.24% synergy
Dragonskull Summit
3.21% of 561 decks
-17.31% synergy
Cephalid Coliseum
3.2% of 718 decks
+2.32% synergy
Twisted Landscape
3.09% of 97 decks
-5.02% synergy
Dryad Arbor
3.06% of 784 decks
+0.82% synergy
Battlefield Forge
3.03% of 297 decks
-12.29% synergy
Shivan Reef
2.98% of 403 decks
-8.15% synergy
Contaminated Landscape
2.94% of 68 decks
-6.0% synergy
Waterlogged Grove
2.91% of 653 decks
-0.37% synergy
Marsh Flats
2.65% of 1018 decks
+2.3% synergy
Wooded Foothills
2.65% of 1018 decks
+2.65% synergy
Dakmor Salvage
2.55% of 1018 decks
+1.99% synergy
Canopy Vista
2.52% of 357 decks
-4.8% synergy
Generated 2024-10-13 16:56:54