Boneclad Necromancer (Card)

In 7 decks
0.05% of 14782 decks
Average Type Distribution
Creatures (15)
Instants (4)
Sorceries (7)
Artifacts (3)
Enchantments (5)
Planeswalkers (2)
Lands (22)
Non-Basic Lands (2)

Top Oathbreakers (5)

Liliana, the Last Hope
1.44% of 139 decks
Kaya, Orzhov Usurper
0.68% of 147 decks
Liliana, Death's Majesty
0.65% of 155 decks
Liliana, Dreadhorde General
0.63% of 158 decks
Professor Onyx
0.37% of 272 decks

Top Signature Spells (5)

Army of the Damned
8.33% of 12 decks
Drag to the Underworld
6.67% of 15 decks
Kaya's Guile
1.1% of 91 decks
Liliana's Triumph
0.5% of 201 decks
Chain of Smog
0.48% of 207 decks

New Cards (1)

Zul Ashur, Lich Lord
100.0% of 1 deck
+91.73% synergy

High Synergy Cards (10)

66.67% of 3 decks
+64.92% synergy
Liliana's Elite
57.14% of 7 decks
+54.88% synergy
Graf Harvest
57.14% of 7 decks
+52.96% synergy
Curse of the Restless Dead
50.0% of 6 decks
+48.69% synergy
Rise from the Grave
42.86% of 7 decks
+41.37% synergy
Zombie Apocalypse
42.86% of 7 decks
+39.65% synergy
Liliana's Devotee
42.86% of 7 decks
+39.11% synergy
Dark Salvation
42.86% of 7 decks
+38.87% synergy
Doomed Dissenter
42.86% of 7 decks
+38.6% synergy
Liliana's Reaver
42.86% of 7 decks
+36.6% synergy

Top Cards (10)

Angelic Edict
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.87% synergy
Kaya, Intangible Slayer
100.0% of 1 deck
+95.93% synergy
Journey to Nowhere
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.68% synergy
Blazing Hope
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.87% synergy
Profane Procession // Tomb of the Dusk Rose
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.22% synergy
Kaya, Bane of the Dead
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.84% synergy
Flicker of Fate
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.0% synergy
Kaya the Inexorable
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.12% synergy
Angelic Ascension
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.96% synergy
Banisher Priest
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.29% synergy

Creatures (50)

Cemetery Reaper
42.86% of 7 decks
+32.65% synergy
42.86% of 7 decks
+28.63% synergy
Headless Rider
33.33% of 6 decks
+26.56% synergy
Gisa, the Hellraiser
33.33% of 3 decks
+30.55% synergy
Death Tyrant
33.33% of 6 decks
+32.62% synergy
Liliana, Heretical Healer // Liliana, Defiant Necromancer
28.57% of 7 decks
+20.64% synergy
Maalfeld Twins
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.18% synergy
Liliana's Scrounger
28.57% of 7 decks
+25.42% synergy
28.57% of 7 decks
+18.92% synergy
Bone Miser
28.57% of 7 decks
+25.54% synergy
God-Eternal Bontu
28.57% of 7 decks
+25.13% synergy
Gavony Unhallowed
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.14% synergy
Grave Titan
28.57% of 7 decks
+17.43% synergy
Diregraf Colossus
28.57% of 7 decks
+16.92% synergy
Josu Vess, Lich Knight
28.57% of 7 decks
+24.35% synergy
Death Baron
28.57% of 7 decks
+16.26% synergy
Liliana's Steward
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.55% synergy
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
28.57% of 7 decks
-7.12% synergy
Liliana's Standard Bearer
28.57% of 7 decks
+25.29% synergy
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
25.0% of 4 decks
+24.57% synergy
The Raven Man
20.0% of 5 decks
+11.82% synergy
Diregraf Horde
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.17% synergy
Necromancer's Familiar
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.62% synergy
Fell Stinger
16.67% of 6 decks
+13.62% synergy
Hobbling Zombie
16.67% of 6 decks
+15.44% synergy
Catapult Fodder // Catapult Captain
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.53% synergy
Champion of the Perished
16.67% of 6 decks
+7.29% synergy
16.67% of 6 decks
+15.29% synergy
Archghoul of Thraben
16.67% of 6 decks
+12.8% synergy
Unhallowed Phalanx
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.26% synergy
Shambling Ghast
16.67% of 6 decks
+10.53% synergy
Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia
16.67% of 6 decks
+8.65% synergy
Eternal Taskmaster
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.02% synergy
Liliana's Specter
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.16% synergy
Mire Triton
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.9% synergy
Forlorn Pseudamma
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.21% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.55% synergy
Graveyard Marshal
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.96% synergy
Lurching Rotbeast
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.13% synergy
Geyserfield Stalker
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.25% synergy
Ghoulcaller Gisa
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.2% synergy
Lord of the Accursed
14.29% of 7 decks
+2.91% synergy
Crypt Lurker
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.2% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.64% synergy
Crow of Dark Tidings
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.31% synergy
Shepherd of Rot
14.29% of 7 decks
+10.69% synergy
Noosegraf Mob
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.82% synergy
Blood Pet
14.29% of 7 decks
+6.39% synergy
Avatar of Woe
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.35% synergy
Moaning Wall
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.05% synergy

Instants (26)

100.0% of 1 deck
+97.02% synergy
Kaya's Onslaught
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.32% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.81% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
100.0% of 1 deck
+60.94% synergy
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.58% synergy
Dire Tactics
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.65% synergy
28.57% of 7 decks
+21.26% synergy
Empty the Pits
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.75% synergy
Anoint with Affliction
20.0% of 5 decks
+17.55% synergy
Rise of the Dread Marn
16.67% of 6 decks
+14.35% synergy
Blood Pact
16.67% of 6 decks
+14.76% synergy
Undying Malice
16.67% of 6 decks
+15.39% synergy
Baleful Mastery
16.67% of 6 decks
+6.71% synergy
Alchemist's Gift
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.03% synergy
Finishing Blow
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.99% synergy
Grim Affliction
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.28% synergy
Fatal Push
14.29% of 7 decks
+8.89% synergy
Altar's Reap
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.21% synergy
Corpse Churn
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.58% synergy
Liliana's Triumph
14.29% of 7 decks
+2.28% synergy
Village Rites
14.29% of 7 decks
+1.6% synergy
Vile Rebirth
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.54% synergy
Feast or Famine
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.05% synergy
Rescue from the Underworld
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.25% synergy
Tragic Slip
14.29% of 7 decks
+6.0% synergy
Ob Nixilis's Cruelty
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.54% synergy

Sorceries (32)

100.0% of 1 deck
+94.51% synergy
Wanderer's Strike
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.29% synergy
Kaya's Wrath
100.0% of 1 deck
+83.8% synergy
From Under the Floorboards
28.57% of 7 decks
+26.97% synergy
Army of the Damned
28.57% of 7 decks
+22.71% synergy
Gisa's Bidding
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.75% synergy
Cemetery Recruitment
28.57% of 7 decks
+26.19% synergy
Macabre Waltz
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.56% synergy
Confront the Past
16.67% of 6 decks
+14.47% synergy
Flay Essence
16.67% of 6 decks
+14.33% synergy
Shrouded Lore
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.13% synergy
Dread Summons
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.12% synergy
Aid the Fallen
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.92% synergy
Ghoulcaller's Chant
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.92% synergy
Syphon Flesh
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.03% synergy
Stir the Sands
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.09% synergy
Liliana's Indignation
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.46% synergy
Awaken the Erstwhile
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.57% synergy
Final Parting
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.84% synergy
Moan of the Unhallowed
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.7% synergy
Choice of Damnations
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.01% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.78% synergy
The Elderspell
14.29% of 7 decks
-10.98% synergy
Spread the Sickness
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.98% synergy
Liliana's Scorn
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.03% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.62% synergy
Rise Again
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.03% synergy
Settle the Score
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.87% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
-2.95% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+3.81% synergy
Liliana's Spoils
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.74% synergy
Bleeding Edge
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.7% synergy

Artifacts (16)

Wand of Orcus
33.33% of 6 decks
+30.8% synergy
Cellar Door
28.57% of 7 decks
+28.34% synergy
Bontu's Monument
28.57% of 7 decks
+17.35% synergy
Crowded Crypt
16.67% of 6 decks
+12.91% synergy
Draugr's Helm
16.67% of 6 decks
+16.58% synergy
Commander's Sphere
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.75% synergy
Conjurer's Closet
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.25% synergy
Thran Dynamo
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.02% synergy
Charcoal Diamond
14.29% of 7 decks
-1.82% synergy
Caged Sun
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.44% synergy
Malefic Scythe
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.03% synergy
Bloodsoaked Altar
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.01% synergy
Luxa River Shrine
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.25% synergy
Contagion Clasp
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.32% synergy
Inspiring Statuary
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.21% synergy
Ashnod's Altar
14.29% of 7 decks
+6.9% synergy

Enchantments (17)

Citizen's Arrest
100.0% of 1 deck
+99.9% synergy
Teleportation Circle
100.0% of 1 deck
+98.5% synergy
Liliana's Mastery
42.86% of 7 decks
+33.32% synergy
Dying to Serve
33.33% of 6 decks
+32.11% synergy
Curse of Disturbance
28.57% of 7 decks
+26.73% synergy
Grave Betrayal
28.57% of 7 decks
+27.59% synergy
Endless Ranks of the Dead
28.57% of 7 decks
+19.46% synergy
Kaya's Ghostform
14.29% of 7 decks
+7.68% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
14.29% of 7 decks
-5.3% synergy
Oath of Liliana
14.29% of 7 decks
+10.26% synergy
The Eldest Reborn
14.29% of 7 decks
+8.11% synergy
Sanguine Bond
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.24% synergy
Exquisite Blood
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.28% synergy
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.17% synergy
Quest for the Gravelord
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.5% synergy
Liliana's Caress
14.29% of 7 decks
+2.36% synergy
Curse of Shallow Graves
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.54% synergy

Planeswalkers (12)

Kaya, Ghost Assassin
100.0% of 1 deck
+96.51% synergy
Kaya, Spirits' Justice
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.43% synergy
The Wanderer
100.0% of 1 deck
+97.68% synergy
Kaya, Geist Hunter
100.0% of 1 deck
+95.89% synergy
Invasion of Innistrad // Deluge of the Dead
20.0% of 5 decks
+18.93% synergy
Liliana of the Dark Realms
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.48% synergy
Liliana Vess
14.29% of 7 decks
+10.92% synergy
Liliana, Death Mage
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.43% synergy
Liliana, the Last Hope
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.78% synergy
Liliana, Dreadhorde General
14.29% of 7 decks
+7.83% synergy
Liliana, Waker of the Dead
14.29% of 7 decks
+9.6% synergy
Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.6% synergy

Lands (13)

Concealed Courtyard
100.0% of 1 deck
+76.05% synergy
Caves of Koilos
100.0% of 1 deck
+56.1% synergy
Lazotep Quarry
33.33% of 3 decks
+32.9% synergy
Mortuary Mire
28.57% of 7 decks
+21.34% synergy
Ebon Stronghold
14.29% of 7 decks
+11.47% synergy
Unholy Grotto
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.14% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.84% synergy
Command Tower
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.64% synergy
Dunes of the Dead
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.93% synergy
Safe Haven
14.29% of 7 decks
+14.29% synergy
Evolving Wilds
14.29% of 7 decks
+12.21% synergy
Bojuka Bog
14.29% of 7 decks
-11.32% synergy
Cradle of the Accursed
14.29% of 7 decks
+13.86% synergy
Generated 2025-01-17 17:12:21